
Monday, February 1, 2010

Project Life Tuesday


Another great week behind us.  So grateful for each day God give us.  Thanks so much for stopping by today!



Thought I would start my week with Leslie Sansone.  Yes, Lord I want to be a firm believer!!


Tues1Went to Life Way Bookstore thinking Beth Moore’s new book was out, but still have one more week to go!  So, went to my favorite section of the store, cards!


Wednesday1Went to the Jewelry show and bought this awesome Saints flag.  Praying God will bless our boys indeed on Sunday.  Black and Gold all the way to the Super Bowl!



Thursday1 Can you guess where I’m at today? 



Some of my favorite books on Marriage.  A house built on the Rock will not fall.




Today we celebrated both mine and my daughter-in-law’s birthday.  I gave her this Family Tree necklace as one of her gifts.



Sunday1 My son Jason with his son Cole.  There could not be a more proud dad!  I love seeing them  together…  Isn’t he adorable?


Please join us over at Jessica’s at The Creative Mom for more awesome projects from this past week!


  1. You have become an excellent photographer! I enjoy your picture stories!

  2. Susan, I LOVE your photo journals!! Such an awesome idea!

  3. I love the card section in a store too.

  4. Susan, I love your pics!A great idea..Blessings:)

  5. Oh...I LOVED seeing your week through the eye's of your camera!!

    What sweet pictures you have my dear.

    Blessings on your week.

  6. Nice pictures! I love the family tree necklace what a wonderful gift!

  7. is that a lisa leonard necklace? great pics!

  8. AWESOME!!! Thanks for sharing with us.

    Love you.

    P.S. Was that the dental chair? Ouch!

  9. I love comming here. It is such an encourage to me.

  10. Thanks for visiting my blog. You have such lovely photos and seem to be such a wonderfully positive person. I really enjoyed my visit and will be popping back again.
    I love the family tree necklace...just beautiful!

  11. Susan,

    I LOVE the pics! Wow, you're so talented!! =) I MUST say, I thought your little joke about Monday was a hoot.. you are just precious my friend!

    Okay, so we're down to just a week till your birthday, huh?? I'm going to have to get on the ball and get your Christmas/b'day gifts in the mail. I'm SO SORRY it's taken me so long!

    I hope to talk to you soon!

    LOVE YOU!!

  12. That necklace is beautiful! Your daughter-in-law must really love you. I'm hoping to get one for Mother's Day this year (my first!).

  13. I loved your photos and your blog is beautiful. Very uplifting. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great week.

  14. I love your pictures!

    What a nice person you are!

  15. Your ideas for everyday photos are so creative! I laughed out loud at the view from your dental chair!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!