
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What’s In Your Hands?




There is one thing that God has given equally to all of us everyday…time.   Time is something we can use in helping others or lose on so many missed opportunities.

A listening ear,

A shoulder to  cry on,

A ride to the store,

A phone call just to say “Hi”,

An unexpected gift,

A visit to a friend going through a difficult time,

A card that says, “I care and I’m thinking of you”!

Time is truly in your hands.  Invest it well. 

“Lord, help me to see what you want to put in my hands today.  Let me be sensitive to the Holy Spirit when He says, “Go”.  Thank you for your outstretched hands that have touched me, healed me, and cared for me in so many ways.  May I be your hands touching someone in the very same way.”

Please Join us today over a Penny Raine’s for more WFW posts!


  1. Oh how cute! I absolutely love the Scripture with it. May we put our hands toward the work of His kingdom. Thank you for that great reminder. Happy WFW my friend!

  2. Amen and Amen dear sister! Thanks for sharing this and love that photo!

  3. AMEN and sweet blessing Susan!
    Love those precious little polished fingers of those hands! Love that awesome prayer of God's outstretched hands. Beautiful inspiration to be the hands & feet & hear the Spirit's whisper. Thanks Susan. EnJOY WFW!

  4. Adorable picture and cute reminder; It's such a encouragement that we are designed not only to receive His blessings but particularly to share it with those who need it the most! God bless you!

  5. Adorable picture and cute reminder; It's such a encouragement that we are designed not only to receive His blessings but particularly to share it with those who need it the most! God bless you!

  6. Agreeing in prayer with you! Amen!

    Our Lord has been sharing "how to use my time" more & more with me practically everywhere I go.

    Beautifully connected Scripture! Thanks for sharing WFW with us, HL

  7. THAT is just about as PRECIOUS as it I HEAR your voice when I's soooo cool!!:)

    Are you ready for some football??

    Hold on, it's a LONG 4 quarters!:)

    love you!

  8. And we need to do it to the Glory of God, because it is passing ever so quickly. I wonder whose hands they are? One of your little doll baby grandgirls I'm sure!

  9. Great picture to use with your verse. Thanks for the reminder.

  10. “Lord, help me to see what you want to put in my hands today. Let me be sensitive to the Holy Spirit when He says, “Go”. Thank you for your outstretched hands that have touched me, healed me, and cared for me in so many ways. May I be your hands touching someone in the very same way.” WOW

    I prayed that as I read it. Thank you for sharing. I needed that today.

    Your children are beautiful, by the way! :O)


  11. Susan, this was just precious. I loved it! Thanks for the welcome back and for the prayers for Steve.

  12. Powerful reminder. I need it. I'm often wondering what to do with my time and I know I miss those moments.

    Love the picture.

    Believing this is the year when I will meet you!

    Hugs and much love,


  13. Love it. Thank you for the adorable photo to accompany this verse.

  14. A great picture for this verse, thank you, Dear ~ Blessings ~

  15. amen! we really have to make use of our time wisely.

    cute little hands. =D

  16. Look at those cute little hands! =) Can't wait to see you Sunday! Love you!

  17. oh cute, and so true! lovely Susan!
    made me think of my daugher coloring on the walls when she was younger.. and yet all her might went into it LOL

  18. Beautiful Scripture~ & post! Thanks for the reminder, I know sometimes I fail at investing my time well. Your picture is ADORABLE, I love little hands:)

  19. Amen! cute photo of the fingers. Happy wfw.

  20. Know that I'm continuing to pray!
    John 14:1-3: Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  21. Amen my friend! I'm echoing your prayer as I head into this Thursday morning. Thank you so much for sharing. I love that photo of those precious hands, too. = ) Great reminder...thanks again!

    Thanks for stopping by to see the Nicole Johnson post, and your kind words. I miss visiting more often and think of you often, as well. I'll have to look up that video. = )


  22. Sorry it took a while, but just FYI, I've finally posted my thoughts on the final weeks of Beth Moore's Esther Bible study! You had asked if I would, but the Christmas season was too hectic, so I didn't get around to it 'til afterward. ;)

    How did you like the study? Personally, I absolutely LOVED it! It's my favorite, so far, with "Breaking Free" coming in at a close second. ;)

    ~MizB of Heaven Rules

  23. Dear Susan,

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such a beautiful comment and praying for my dear sweet sister. They just took her up to surgery at 12:16 P.M. this afternoon. I will be hearing from my nephew later on today when she comes out from surgery then I will post what I find out.

    Your words here inspire me, especially today. You have touched deeply on how I feel inside, of who I am and a reminder again of all of who He wants me to be...such a beautiful post from a beautiful heart.

    Thank you from my heart.

    Peace & blessings,

  24. A precious photo& a wonderful verse &reminder of how we should live !

  25. God help me to use my time better. The little hands are so sweet.

  26. Susan,
    Beautiful post! Such a great reminder of what we should be doing with our hands.
    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving the nice comment!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!