
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Finding Cures Saving Lives




St Jude Collage7

There are so many wonderful charities I could talk about today.   I've been touched by many of them, like the Jerry Lewis Telethon for Muscular Dystrophy, or the Special Olympics. 

But the one that has directly impacted my life and the life of my son is St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.   I recently read that it was considered the Nations’ most trusted charity and I can attest to that fact first hand.


 (please remember to mute my music player first!)

At the age of 16 my son was diagnosed with a brain tumor.  It was in the month of April, and I still remember getting that phone call from the doctor like it was yesterday. That was a day that our world fell apart changed the course of our lives. 

I grew up like most of you seeing those TV specials with Marlo Thomas about St. Jude.  Many times I would just change the channel, because it was too difficult to watch what those children were going through.  Never would I have dreamed that I would walk through those front doors with my own child.

My son is now in remission. A survivor of a brain tumor that could of took his life.  We are so very grateful, beyond words.

I remember one of the very first papers we signed at St. Jude was a contract that stated we would never receive a bill. Any costs that were above what our insurance would cover would be paid in full. Can you imagine?  In the midst of all that was going on in our lives, they wanted to assure us that we would not have to worry about finances while our son was in treatment.  Not to mention they paid for all of our transportation to and from Memphis, and provided housing and all our meals at no cost. Truly remarkable.

This May St. Jude will fly son and I up for his last 6 month check up. If all has remained stable, we will transfer to their After Complement of Therapy Clinic for the next 5 years. In hopes of being a St. Jude Alumni one day.  This will be a major milestone in Jordan's life.    We are so grateful for St. Jude for all they have done for us and thousands of other families over the years!

And thanks to all of you that have given each time you visit Chili’s, McDonald’s, Target and countless other places that support St. Jude.



Please join us today at Kelly’s Korner for more favorite charities.


  1. Oh Susan, what a wonderful post! We've heard great things about them before but this was the first time it was "first-hand." How encouraging! And how wonderful your son is doing well! What a blessing from God! :)

  2. Wow!!! We have a great deal in common, I went to St. Jude myself, when I was 17 I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Disease and we went to "the greatest place on earth"...St. Jude of course, it truly is amazing to be there and experience that, really changes one's life...for the better of course! God Bless!

  3. Hi,
    I clicked over from Kelly's Korner because St. Jude is one of my favorites, too. I have never been directed affected by St. Jude and like you, I had a hard time watching the commercials. But the mother in me has just always felt St. Jude was such an incredibly worthy charity.
    God bless your family & I will keep you all in my prayers.

  4. I'm so relieved to read that your son is in remission. Saint Jude is a wonderful organization.


  5. Praying right now!
    Isaiah 43:1-3a But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour...
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  6. Hey I really enjoyed reading your post! St. Jude is a wonderful place-there aren't even words. My sorority does a lot of fundraising for them and I have been there multiple times for visits. So glad your son is doing well!

  7. We love St. Jude. Our journey's have been different, but I'm so glad that we have our boys to love on. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment. There is a cure out there and I am excited to see how that story begins.

  8. Hi! I know I already posted a comment but I wanted to thank you for the kind words you commented on my blog. St. Jude is something I am so passionate about so hearing your story just warms my heart!

    Great to meet you as well!

  9. Susan,
    What a heart warming post. Our thoughts and prayers will be with your son and your family in his journey to recovery.

    I must also say what a beautiful family you have. Five boys, wow!!! I thought we were crazy with three :). Maybe my wife and I should get in touch with you for any pointers lol.

    I also look forward in seeing your photography grow in time as well.

    B Dad

  10. Thank you for your sweet comment. St. Jude truly is an amazing place - certainly a close second for favorite charity! I was fortunate to spend a week there earlier this year during my pediatrics rotation, and you can just feel something special about that place when you walk in the doors.

    I scrolled through your blog and took a look at some of your photography - looks like you're making leaps and bounds with that new camera. I just got my d-slr for Christmas as well and am loving the learning process!

  11. so glad for your miracle. What a blessing St. Jude is! Praise God!

  12. Praying in Seattle!
    I Peter 1:18-19 Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot
    Prayer Bears
    My email address


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!