
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

God’s Economics for Tough Times




Unless you lived through the Great Depression you’ve never experienced times like the present: bank failures, bailouts, housing foreclosures, unemployment, health costs, etc.

You can see fear on people’s faces and sense it in their words. So, where do we turn? To politicians, economists, or our own resources?

No human agency is capable of providing answers.

So: know your source!

The Bible predicted the shaking of human kingdoms and material entities: “[So] that those things which cannot be shaken may remain” (Heb 12:27). But while bureaucracies, businesses and banks have been shaken to their very core, our King and His kingdom remain rock solid.

The Bible says that “God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work” (2Co 9:8 NIV).

Notice the “alls” in this promise. What more could you ask for? Your family, health, spiritual, material, present and future security is guaranteed under the “policies and resources” clause of God’s unshakable kingdom! Man’s economy is not your source.

It’s merely one conduit the King may, or may not use in providing what you need as a citizen of His kingdom. Relax, knowing God, your unfailing source, “will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus” (Philippians  4:19 NIV).   (By Rick Godwin)


wfw-2008 Please join us over at our gifted and most gracious hostess today, Lori at All You Have To Give for more WFW!!


  1. YOU are too sweet! What a timely reminder...whew, these are some tough times for so many...what promises!

    How are you enjoying the "boy!?" being home??? Is momma spoiling him! I can't imagine!! I just smile when I think about it!!

    love you!

  2. He is in control - always and forever!

  3. What words of comfort! Praying!
    John 14:1-4: Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  4. This not only meant a lot to me but also gave me a little chuckle! Love the graphic!!! Smiles and Happy WFW!!

  5. Susan - this is an important and timely message. So many are in despair, but as Christians we need not fear.

    Interesting you used the verse from Hebrews (I read a blog post somewhere this week where someone mentioned the same verse.) Rita Baloche, wife of contemporary Christian singer Paul Baloche, has recently written a song based upon this verse.

    Have a blessed and joyful WFW!

  6. Of course we always need to pray over major purchases. I talked to someone buying a large home yesterday . This is the time to be frugal not spend to th limits.

    On a lighter note;
    Love your scrapbook banner. One of my girls rooms (many years ago) was pink and seafoam green. I miss it.

  7. This is a great encouragement :) We can only lean to Jesus :)

  8. Lovely. You folk are doing it tougher over there than we have for which we are blessed but fear like worry and envy are all wasted emotions for He is there, whenever, whatever. None of us look forward to bad times but we can look forward to His continued presence.
    And I must stop looking at these for now and go to bed before I turn into a pumpkin at 12.45am

  9. What great words of encouragement! Thank you so much for sharing!

  10. Oh so good to stand on His promises. Thanks for coming by my place!

  11. So true!!!! Thank you for the reminder. I love your photo!

  12. Amen dear friend! Excellent verse in these coming days. By the way, congrats on your son being home. I can imagine the overflow of love going on there!! Enjoy him. Blessings!

  13. Amen! This is a lesson I have been learning over the last few years. He is our source, our everything. Thanks for that great reminder today!

  14. Wow, if only we could broadcast this.

  15. Your post made me smile as soon as I saw the graph. I am so thankful for such a loving good God that we can trust.

  16. Blessings sweet Susan...My dad lived through the depression but these are great insights of wisdom. How true that we need to KNOW OUR SOURCE ~ thank You Jehovah Jireh! And just as important, we need to be connected to that SOURCE!

    I needed this verse and "all" His promises you share but not as regards economics. So many are in need of this well thought out WFW!
    It is so timely! And I so agree with you about Lori!

    EnJOY a wonderful week and WFW!

  17. Sweet Susan, what a wonderful verse and what a great reminder to me, personally, that God is in control. I really needed that reminder today. Thank you, sweetheart!

  18. A timely and encouraging word my friend! We're still in a recession and many are suffering. :~(

    I've been thinking how God provides for our daily needs, and also how he provides instruction in sound money management. Now that our kids are raised, my DH wants me to learn more about Biblical principles of finance--which I have left to my him for most of our married years. Just one more way I can be a Biblical helpmate...

    It's a huge nut to crack! (((Hugs)))

  19. Praise the LORD and Amen! You are so right on in this message Sis. I'm going to share your link on my FB to encourage others.

    I love and appreciate YOU and your heart for our LORD and His word!

    GOD'S Economy is the only way to go.

    Praying for all who are hurting at this very difficult time.

  20. I'm always SO blessed when I come to your blog! :O)

    Your WFW is so apropos for me at this time of job loss and no prospect for anything wonderful at the moment. But God. And He is my provider.


  21. Dear Susan,'s me!I just finished catching up with your blog. Oh Susan you write so beautifully. Thank for the encouraging words.

    Ok I must say I am jumping with joy..Joseph is HOME!! Yeah he is such a special young man who has no doubt helped so many in all his travels. Enjoy him.

    Secondly, I LOVE your hair! The color is beautiful and the style too. I hope one day we get to see a picture from the front.

    I miss you, love you and cherish you. Sorry I have been so absent. My heart and mind have been hurting lately. I promise to email you soon.

    With Love, Susan (Forever Timmy's Mom) 2-29-96 went home to Jesus 4-11-06

  22. Hey, Mrs. Susan, how are you doing? I want to say thank you for the comment. Please tell Jordan hello.

    I love you, Gabe

  23. Amen! God is our strength always and forever.

  24. Yes God is the answer of all of the question why we are worry for tomorrows?

  25. Amen, he is in control , all our confidence is in Him !

  26. Thank you for that much needed encouraging Word for today. Blessings ~

  27. Great verse! We've been studying that in our ladies Bible study. Trust in God and don't worry!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!