
Monday, March 1, 2010

Project 365- My Week In Pictures







Went out to eat with some of my wonderful neighbors.   What a blessing it is to live just a few doors away from some of the sweetest ladies ever!  Little did I know what God had in store when he moved us here.




My son Jordan is off on Tuesday, so although it’s a day he doesn’t work, he puts in some overtime with mom.  Shopping is hard work.  Now to convince my husband!




Took a walk in our neighborhood on this beautiful afternoon.  I was so excited to catch this amazing sunset.



Finally getting close to finishing up my scrapbook project I started…well, that’s not so important.  I’m just going to finish it, right?



Hmmm, hard to believe I still had some chocolates left from Valentine’s Day!


Black Tie

My husband and I attended The President’s Council Black Tie Dinner for his company.  What a fun night with my knight in shinning armor.  Boy he sure looked good in his tux.  He just gets better and better with age.



Bought a tripod today.  My precious Jordan was a willing subject to test my skills.  His smile makes me happy.


Please join us over at The Mom Creative for more projects!!


  1. Great pics! You are getting really good with that camera!

  2. Great photos as always!
    The Lord will always be there with you! And I'm here praying!
    Romans 8:31-32 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  3. You had a busy, fun week. love all the pictures. That's a great shot of your son using the tripod. How often do you scrapbook? I'm hoping to get some done this week. Thanks for sharing and see you next week.

    p.s. Your husband looks great in a tux and you look pretty also. Would love to dress up and go out.

  4. Your photos are stunning this week! Especially love the one of the sunset, and you and your hubby really do look smart. Your son is also very good looking!

  5. Oh how I love to visit your blog and just listen to the music. Great selection. Love those pictures....I'll have to read on how you became such the photographer! And, yes, it is such a blessing to have wonderful neighbors.

    Have a Blessed week,

  6. The scrapbook photo is definitely my fave! Awesome job!

  7. that sunset picture is gorgeous! and your children/grandchildren are adorable!

  8. Beautiful photos! I especially like the sunset and the last portrait. What kind of camera do you have?

  9. Super cool pictures!

    I love the sunset one. :)

  10. Super cool pictures!

    I love the sunset one. :)

  11. Great shots, beautiful and inspiring. Join me for WFW today. Amazing days ahead of you.

  12. What fun to go to a black tie dinner! :D I haven't gone to one of those in quite a while.

    Wow! My chocolates were eaten by a couple days after Valentines. I did get them earlier than Valentine's Day though, in my defense. LOL!

  13. I like your photos! They look great. - Very creative.
    Thanks for sharing.

  14. Great pictures this week! I really like the picture of the chocolates. Mine would never last that long!

  15. That picture of Jordan is precious. I love his sweet smile and his kind heart.

  16. loving all of your pics. I'd love to learn with a Canon Rebel. Someday I'll have the $600 or so to invest in a better picture taker. Until then, I enjoy my Canon PowerShot. It's not the same though...

    Bless you, Susan.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!