
Monday, March 1, 2010

Two are better then one


Welcome to the March edition of Marriage Monday. Today, our group topic is "Prayer in Marriage." Please join over at Chrysalis to share in this interesting topic!  Thanks E-Mom for being such a gracious and fun hostess today!

"Man was created for the purpose of knowing and loving God. Because we alone are made in His image, we have the privilege of prayer. No other part of creation has that ability...not the tallest tree, the greatest mountain, or the clearest glacier can speak His name. When you express adoration to God, you are living out the evidence that you are different from everything else in the universe that He has made. (by Billie Hanks)


After a long difficult day, my husband and I got ready for bed.   As we were lying in bed, I gently reached over, took his hand and asked him to pray. I needed to hear him ask God for wisdom for a situation we were facing.  No matter what we have faced or will  in our future, this is still one of the most effective and sacred thing we can do as couple. 

There are so many reasons I could list on why prayer is one of greatest keys to a marriage that brings glory and honor to the Lord.

For the sake of time, I will share just a few benefits of prayer together that we have found to be true in our marriage.


♥ When we pray together we acknowledge that we totally depend on God rather then each other. 

♥ Prayer is vital in building trust.  As we pray, we become vulnerable, and accountable to one another.

♥ There is a special intimacy only experienced when we join our hearts and hands together before the Lord in prayer.

♥ Prayer enriches and strengthens our marriage partnership.

♥ There is no greater comfort or assurance then to hear the voice of my spouse praying for me.

For some of you this may not come so easy.  I would recommend making time, even if it is a little awkward or uncomfortable at first to pray with and for each other.  In time, you will be able to express your prayers more freely.  It does not have to be long, just heartfelt words that show you care and are committing your spouse and you to the Lord. You can begin today; just take it one-step at a time!  If your husband is not willing, then ask him if you can pray for him aloud. This is something I believe your husband will enjoy. 

Prayer is so powerful.

One of my favorite scriptures that come to mind when I think of the unity found in prayer  is Ecc. 4:9-12.  (I’ve always loved the symbol used for our Marriage Monday button!)

Two are better than one,
       because they have a good return for their work:

  If one falls down,
       his friend can help him up.
       But pity the man who falls
       and has no one to help him up!

  Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
       But how can one keep warm alone?

  Though one may be overpowered,
       two can defend themselves.
       A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Thanks so much for stopping by today!


  1. Thank you for your inspiring post! Prayer is so very, very important. Have a blessed day!

  2. Beautiful truths that you shared about prayer. What a blessing!

  3. I enjoyed reading your Marriage Monday post. You've given some wonderful reasons here on the benefits of praying together.

    God bless you.

  4. "♥ Prayer is vital in building trust. As we pray, we become vulnerable, and accountable to one another."
    Love this, Susan it is so true. I believe that when we go together as a couple we not only receive power and the promises but we receive grace. Great post! Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Oh Susan, this is lovely. Thank you so much for sharing.

    I love coming here and seeing the very same scripture my blog is based on... :)

    Hugs from Canada

  6. Love you two! Two are better than one, indeed.

    I can tell your husband is a "manly man," and to hear that he's willing to open up and pray for you is marvellous. You are blessed!

    I absolutely adore the quote you opened with. "No other part of creation has that ability...not the tallest tree, the greatest mountain, or the clearest glacier can speak His name." Speech is such a privilege, and prayer is a big part of that. We've been given the power to move mountains, and we must use it!

    Thanks for sharing your experience, and offering your mature encouragement, Susan. As always, thanks for joining us for Marriage Monday today. :~D

    (((Hugs))) e-Mom

  7. 'totally depend on God rather then each other'

    Phew, never really thought of praying with my husband as showing that but it is so true and I thank you for such a great point!

  8. Susan!

    Amen! The sacred are SO right. It is something that no one can ever take away from us as a couple. It is so comforting to me to know that even if we were not in the same place at the same time...we can ALWAYS join together in prayer.

    Big Hugs!

  9. Beautiful post and wonderful truth. Thanks for sharing yourself and your heart. Your post and your visit to My Journey has encouraged me.
    Have a Blessed Week,

  10. Wonderful post for prayer in marriage. This strengthen us.

  11. You are certainly motivating me to work harder on this, Susan! Thanks! Good post, friend.

  12. amen amen amen... prayer is powerful!
    I enjoy hearing my husband pray too... it's just so... amazing! hugs

  13. Wow! This was so inspiring...32 years of praying together - I guess the numbers speak for themselves.

    Thank you so much for sharing this and for your comment on my blog.

    God bless you.

  14. Two certainly are better than one in relationships and in prayer. Thank you for such a beautiful reminder.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!