
Monday, March 8, 2010

Project 365- My Week In Pictures


Another week has just flown by.  I’m loving this project more all the time.  Hope you enjoy this quick glimpse into our lives.  Thanks so much for stopping by!




Apple pie anyone?  Yes…it was as good as it looked.  Some ice-cream on top was the finishing touch.



The day we have been waiting for!  It’s been 2 years since my son left to teach in Taiwan.  From there he visited 38 countries and crossed 4 continents.  His older brother (top right) couldn’t believe his passport…every page was filled out.  Tears of joy, relief, my son is finally HOME!!



My cat loves to jump up into the chair when you sit to eat.  My grand-daughter was having fun playing with him.



What a week it was.  My son came home and I made a drastic change in my hair color.  Something I’ve wanted to do for years. I’m loving the “new look”.



My grand-daughter Grace came to spend the weekend.  She was coming down with a cold and not feeling very well when she woke up.




Today is Justin’s (my second son) 29th birthday!  He came out to visit and spent time with his daughter Grace.  He’s in a band and getting ready to go on tour.  Happy Birthday Justin!


Sunday5  Grace was playing with with this funny headband I bought for her the other day.  I asked her to pose for me.  “No problem Grammy!”


Please join us over at The Mom Creative for more Project 365!


  1. Great pics as always! And you know I love your new hair!
    Am here praying for your family!
    John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  2. What fabulous photos. You must be over the moon to have your son home. I know I would be!!

  3. I love your pictures. How wonderful for your family to have your son home after so long. Nice for you to have fun with Grace for a weekend. I love your hair color it's so pretty. Thanks for sharing another wonderful week of your family.

  4. awwww i'm glad your son came home! how exciting is that!?

  5. I LOVE seeing these pictures every Tuesday!!

    And hey, how about a shot of your face with your new hair color next week?

    Love you, babe.

  6. Uh oh my Grace is sick too, she's got the cold!!!

    SO glad that your son is back home! You must have missed him so much!

    Your hair looks great!

  7. This a is great album. Love the hair style.

    Psalms 13:6 I will sing to the LORD,for he has been good to me.

  8. Welcome home Joseph... he's created a lifetime of memories. Our kids have wanderlust too. Hard on Moms!!!

    Your new hair color is lovely. Very soft-looking. Change is good, yes?


  9. What wonderful pictures, Susan!

    I'm so glad your son is home...nothing like having our children home, safe and sound!

    Your hair looks beautiful...I love it!

    Your granddaughter is absolutely adorable. :-)

  10. That Apple Pie looks delicious! If you made it, you should post the recipe. Yummy! Thanks for stopping by my blog each week. :)

  11. How wonderful that your son is back! I'm sure you are ecstatic!

  12. The apple pie looks delicious. How wonderfulthat your son is back at home. I know you must be so very happy.
    Thanks for sharing and have a great week.

  13. Yay for your son coming home safe and sound! That pie looks really good. :)

  14. (This is Tonya.. explanation below)

    Susan, I LOVE the pics! You are doing GREAT with your photography!

    It looks like it was a pretty exciting week indeed. It's always so much fun - such a blessing - to catch up with your family!

    <3 YOU!!!

    WHOOPS.. I just realized that I'm signed on under Gabe's account. I tried to click to sign out and thought I'd sign back in again but then it warned me that it was about to navigate away from the page. (I'd lose what I've just typed) Anyway, this is NOT Gabe, it's Tonya. LOL!! He thought he wanted a blog too.. he's so funny!

    Okay, I'll stop rambling now.. just wanted you to know why it looks like Gabe signed your blog. =)

  15. What a wonderful week captured in perfect pictures.
    Your new color is beautiful.

  16. Love the cat photo! I know you are happy to have your son home.

  17. That grouping of photos -- Joe's homecoming -- should go in a frame! Very nice :)

    ...So this is Ceasar!!?? Very handsome boy. He and Boaz could really WhOooP* it*up! hahaha!

    ...did not know you did Project 365. I do too -- but usually post on Saturday and link up @

    Now that I know you're takin' a shot-a-day, I'll be back!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!