
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Project 365-My week in Pictures





Rick brought home some hot boiled crawfish for the boys dinner!  I’m probably one of the few people that live in Louisiana that does not eat the little creatures! 




My husband and I went and saw Pastor Brain Houston and Hillsong United live at the All Access Twenty Ten conference at a church nearby.  What an incredible night of the word and worship! 



My granddaughters were over and wanted to look at some of Grammy’s pictures.  Caught this precious moment!



Went to the Broken Egg Cafe with some of my neighbors for breakfast.  We had a wonderful time! I’m so blessed to have such an awesome group of ladies living on my block.



My bosom buddy Cyndy drove out to spend the day with me.   What a faithful friend she has been over the years. I always look forward to spending time with her.  Love you Cyndy!



My grandson spotted this new car on display at the mall.  He immediately went up to it and tried to get in.  Yes, those boys sure love their toys!



Spent the day with my granddaughters on Sunday.  As always we have a great time together.


Join us today over at The Creative Mom for more Project 365!


  1. Great pictures, you always have such crisp clean pictures!
    Love the one of your granddaughters with their pink hats, so sweet!

  2. I loved your week in photo's the girls were so pretty AND pink! But I have to confess my JEALOUSY that you got to see Pastor Brian & Hillsong! I love watching on TV, and listening to the music CD's...def a church I desire to visit!

    Enjoy your days in the SONshine!

    Dawn :-)

  3. Susan, these are precious!!! Thank you! And, I don't eat crawfish either...yuck!! Your photography is wonderful!!

  4. What a neat blog. I've talked with you a few times via email but I'm certain you don't remember me. We lost our son Joshua in Nov,2003. I think that was the connection. You son had a brain tumor? And you have son that travels to the ends of the earth?

    I'm going to look for a place to become a follower.

  5. I have never had crawfish. The girls look so adorable.

  6. love those pink hats! what precious girls.

  7. What a full wonderful week! Beautiful pictures!

  8. I don't eat those little creatures either...we dissected them in biology! :). I hope that hubby brought home a treat for you. Btw, your grandkids are adorable! Stephanie

  9. You are so beautiful. Love your picture posts! Blessings!

  10. Beautiful, beautiful pictures! I agree with Delane...always such crisp, clean, bright pictures! Great post!

  11. Love the Wednesday photo. So cute!

  12. Praying right now!
    John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  13. Such beautiful pictures you have every week. I love the last one of the girls and their pretty dresses and hats. How do you get them to always pose so happy like that. Your grandson is cute also and yes boys like their toys. Have a wonderful mother's day.

  14. I SO enjoyed browsing your gifted photos of your wonderful family! Thanks for sharing! Happy Mother's Day to you!

  15. What an adorable picture with their hats! Soo cute!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!