
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sweet Shot Tuesday





There could be no sweeter shot for me, then to see my son, Jordan, as he took his “Survivors Lap” this past Saturday at the 2010 Relay for Life!  He is a brain tumor survivor. He was dx at the age of 16. 

It’s been a long journey that I never dreamed we would take, but one that has changed our lives for the better. 

Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.

(I Thes 5:18)

Join us today over at My Life With My 3 Boybarians for more sweet shots!


  1. What a nice looking young man! I'm sure you cherish every single moment with him. :)

  2. Looking forward to following you. I posted my Sweet Shot post on my blog. Check it out!

    Thanks and have a great day!


  3. I am so happy for him! What a handsome young man! The world is at his fingertips! Way to go Brandon! Way to go!

  4. wow! Praise God for healing your son! I don't even know you and yet the picture brought tears to my eyes!
    Many blessings to you and your beautiful family! ~~kathy k.

  5. sweet shot... beautiful post! :)

  6. I can see why this would be so sweet and precious to you! Praise the Lord for his recovery.

  7. Great photo and what a moment! Your heart must be overflowing with joy. Praise God for healing your handsome guy! That passage is such precious encoruagement for all of us!

  8. What a great picture, and a great story! You have five sons? I have four!!

    Isn't it great?

  9. What a wonderful picture to cherish! Glad he got to take his survivors lap.

  10. Susan, I rejoice with you in this Victory Lap for your son as a survivor! May God bless him with many, many more cancer free years! Mississippi

  11. 5 Boys! I'm right there with ya sista!! Oh how I look forward to grandaughters. I hope they all have at least 2 or 3 girls to pay for all the cuts, bruises, & ER visits :) . . . loving every minute of this journey of a mommy to many BOYS!
    Praise God yours is a survivor!!
    God Bless <3

  12. oh wow, what a great story, praise God!!

    Sweet shot too:)

  13. Your photo is more than a sweet is a celebration of life too! God is faithful!

  14. Amen. Praising God for His healing and courage which He rained upon all of you.
    ~ linda

  15. How proud you must be. Praise God and what a blessing.

  16. What a handsome guy! Great picture.
    I love reading your blog - it's so refreshing to visit.

  17. You are so right... no sweeter shot! What a wonderful moment of him taking his Survivors Lap to capture! Congratulations to him!

  18. The sweetest of sweet shots! Absolutely awesome.

  19. Sweet, indeed! A walking miracle.

    Anna K.

  20. He is so cute, Susan. Thank God for His healing power. Blessings ~

  21. beautiful shot/story! Praise God!

  22. LOVE the photo! Thank you, Lord!
    Praying right now!
    Isaiah 30:18-19 And therefore will the LORD wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you: for the LORD is a God of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for him. For the people shall dwell in Zion at Jerusalem: thou shalt weep no more: he will be very gracious unto thee at the voice of thy cry; when he shall hear it, he will answer thee.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  23. You really captured so much emotion on his face in that one picture. What a precious blessing our children are!!!

  24. Definitely a sweet shot!!!! HOW COOL!!!!

  25. Susan,
    Nice to meet you, too! I couldn't help but scroll down, and then I saw this post. Praise God for His healing of your son. I can only imagine what your journey has been like, but I know you are thankful for what He's shown you in the midst of all the challenges. Truly, that is such a sweet shot.

  26. Thanks for stopping by my blog! WOW! What a sweet shot and inspirational too! Praise God!

  27. Wow, what a champion! I can see why this is so special to you :)

  28. As a boy mom, this touches me. He's a handsome guy.

    What a moment!

  29. What a sweet shot that is! I loved having Jordan there, and we all loved cheering for him as he made that Survivor's Lap!

    We love you, Jordan!


  30. This is incredible!

    Do you read Donna Boucher's blog? I think she would love to see this photo; it would encourage her. Her sister just died last month from a brain tumor and she and her family walked in support of her family.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!