
Monday, May 10, 2010

Project 365-My week in pictures





My precious little Karli came over to her Grammy’s house for a visit.



My husband got tickets to the LSU baseball game.  My oldest son, Jason, was supposed to go with him, but was activated by the National Guard to help with the oil spill clean-up in the gulf.  So, he asked me to join him instead.  Great date night!



Took the girls to the movie, to see “Alice In Wonderland”.  A little strange…but good.  They enjoyed it, and had their little purses filled with snacks!  Nothing like a girls night out.



Oh, how I enjoy going to the bookstore.  I especially like this one; the hot chocolate is so good.  I sat and just read and read.



My oldest sister Mary and I celebrated Mother’s Day early this year.  We had such a nice dinner and time of fellowship.  She reminds me so much of my mom!  Thank God for sisters!



Relay for Life 2010!  My daughter in law worked so hard along with her students to sponsor a booth, and make this Relay extra special for Jordan.  Thanks Kristin.  It was a time to honor those who are won their battles and those still in fighting.  We must never give up the fight until we find a cure!



Mother’s Day!  What a special day it was indeed.  Went out with my family and enjoyed an awesome steak dinner.  One of the highlights this year was a beautiful bouquet of flowers from my 19 year old.  He’s not one to say a lot, but these flowers and the beautiful card he gave me with them touched me deeply.  I thank God for all five of my boys. 


Please join us over at The Creative Mom for more Project 365!


  1. awww looks like a great! :)
    Happy Mothers day!

  2. Ahem...seems like the news about the Relay for Life is something that should have been on Jordan's site! Before it let people know it was coming up...just sayin'!
    Know that you're always in my thoughts and prayers!
    Psalm 86:11-13a Teach me thy way, O LORD; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name. I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart: and I will glorify thy name for evermore. For great is thy mercy toward me...
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  3. Such wonderful pictures this week Susan. Your granddaughters always have such pretty dresses on. I love the boutquet of flowers, gorgous colors. I love being with my sisters too, best of friends. Have another good week.

  4. What a gorgeous bouquet! Looks like you had a good week! I love Borders too. My husband and I actually used a date night once just to go there and browse! :)

  5. Susan, great pictures this week. You are so lucky to be such a big part of your grandaughters lives! I love the picture of you husband, what a great shot!
    Have a great week!

  6. Your photos are all so special this week Susan. Glad you enjoyed date night with your hubby. Ray and I had our 1st night off in 2 years this past weekend, and it was bliss. Those flowers are just stunning. Hope you have another special week ahead of you!

  7. Looks like you had a really great week again. Thank your son for serving for me. Oh and thank his wife she play a huge role as well.

  8. Darling as always!! Love that those precious girls are already being taught the art of discreetly stashing a few little snacks in their dainty mom used to take a HUMONGOUS straw bag in, lol!!

  9. Great picture of your hubby!

    Happy Mother's Day! Those flowers are GORGEOUS!!!

    Have a fabulous week!

  10. I just LOVE these posts, Susan. It cracks me up that in every picture of you, your glasses are always on the top of your head. Do you ever wear the silly things?

    Seeing your sweet face brightens my day, friend. Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your life.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!