
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Flyers, Walkers and Runners…



Oh, I’m so excited about the new home for WFW!!  If you have not visited the Internet Cafe, please join us today!




They will soar…They will run…They will walk.” Isa 40:31


Watchman Nee wrote a best-selling book entitled The Normal Christian Life.

Why such a title?

Because only when you understand what’s “normal” in Christian living, will you be able to recognize which season you’re in, evaluate your circumstances accurately, and adjust.

At one point Paul raises a man from the dead; at another point he writes, “We despaired even of life” (2Co 1:8).

The Bible says, “Elijah was a man just like us” (Jas 5:17 NIV). Yet one day he’s calling down fire from heaven, the next day he’s suicidal and in the depth of depression.

Now, you can’t use this as an excuse for spiritual lethargy, but you must be discerning.

Faith doesn’t exempt us from life’s seasons; it just enables us to go through them victoriously.

(by Rick Godwin)

But always remember, your ability to soar comes from God.

If you’re a runner: Thank God you’re still in the race.

If you’re a walker: Keep putting one foot in front of the other.


Lord thank you for the grace you provide for us in every season of our lives.  You are so faithful and always so near.  Let my life be one that demonstrates your power.  Be glorified during all the many times life is difficult, and when there is joy unspeakable.  My life is truly in your hands.


  1. That is gorgeous picture and the words are just perfect. I am still in the race and yes Thank you God! Bless your heart!

  2. his grace and so much more he covers us over with those wings!
    Thanks Susan! You are a true blessing!

  3. Susan, what a great thought today. I've often appreciated that God included Paul's despair and Elijah's depression. It has helped me to realize that my feelings are NOT always an indication of how God feels about me or whether His presence is available or not.

    I love too, "Your ability to soar comes from God. If you're a runner: thank God you're still in the race. If you're a walker: Keep putting one foot in front of the other." Our journes are ever-changing.

  4. We tend to manipulate it don't we?? NORMAL Christian living requires that we run and walk and submit and obey...things we'd sometimes rather not do..
    Normal Christian living tells us that it's not an option to be a part timer...
    I LOVE this! I'm going to have to check that book out!

    Love you girl!


  5. A perfect verse for me today my friend.
    How have you been any way? I've missed seeing your smiling face!

  6. This was wonderful. This was the passage used at the funeral of my friend's two-year-old son. It is only God who enabled us to keep putting one foot in front of the other in the hard times. Thank you.

  7. What a great devotional! That really touched me this morning!

  8. Beautiful, Susan!

    I have always wanted to read that Watchman Nee book! Thanks so much for sharing!

    I agree with Amy, YOU are a blessing! ;)

  9. I have always loved this scripture.We have a lot of bald eagles where I live, so I always think of it when I see them soar.
    Happy WFW!

  10. LOVE this encouragement ;)
    thanks for sharing

  11. Amen Susan! I am a runner in the race even though I am also in that "waiting room". God has so much that He wants to give to us as we wait on Him. Standing with you and holding up your arms for strength as you wait for the good report on your son. God is good and full of mercy! Blessings to you dear sister!

  12. Hi Susan this is a great reminder. We are in the race every single day with God. He never gives up on us we should never give up on Him.

    Be blessed girl! I have 3 sons myself so you know how it is in your house. :)

  13. I remember a little girl sing this verse beautiful. Happy WFW!

  14. What a lovely Word-Filled Wednesday full of words of encouragement and such a lovely photo. I have heard of Watchman Nee's book and keep meaning to read it, but never have. I'll have to make that a summer devotional. In fact, I found it online as a free download if anyone else is interested. It's at Christian Classics Ethereal Library -

    Thanks again, and have a blessed day :)

  15. Susan how did you do your header? I am trying to do my own but not sure what to search for for templates. Thanks girl

  16. This was wonderful. I never thought about it this way before.

  17. That is beautiful, Susan, thank you.

  18. What a great post, and such an encouragement! I look forward to reading your other posts :)

  19. Great words today. I found this and thought it interesting about eagles and storms.

    "Did you know that an eagle knows when a storm is approaching long before it breaks?

    The eagle will fly to some high spot and wait for the winds to come. When the storm hits, it sets its wings so that the wind will pick it up and lift it above the storm. While the storm rages below, the eagle is soaring above it.

    The eagle does not escape the storm. It simply uses the storm to lift it higher. It rises on the winds that bring the storm."

  20. Wonderful verse ! Great teaching for today ! Wonderful illustration !

  21. Our pastor just preached a sermon on this. It reminds me also of the verse that I posted with my last week's post that the "rain falls on the just and the unjust", but thankfully God is there to help us through the rain. :D

  22. This is beautiful, in everyway.

  23. This post is such a blessing. Even the most spiritual among us are not always on the mountain top. Sometimes in the race it's seems I'm moving along fast but most time it's seems I'm taking baby steps but thanks for the encouragement to keep walking.

  24. Amen and amen! That was wonderful. I will put one step in front of the next and praise my God that through Him I can!

  25. Amen! I needed to hear this today, and I will just keep on walking, putting one foot on front of the other. I am so thankful for His grace.

  26. Thank you so much, Susan. It's a wonderful reminder: just keep going.

  27. Indeed an amazing verse...thank you for sharing it with us. :)

    by the way, i added you on my blogroll..I hope you don't mind adding me, too..Thanks for dropping by my site also.. Take care! Blessings! ;)

  28. If you’re a runner: Thank God you’re still in the race.

    If you’re a walker: Keep putting one foot in front of the other.

    LOVE IT!!!!

    Beautiful - thank you for sharing it today!

  29. A favorite verse of mine! The boys have this verse and image in their room.

  30. Fantastic picture to match the verse

  31. Susan, I loved this! So often, I think if I am living a "good Christian life" I won't experience things like depression or thankful that God not only reveals the triumphs of those heroes of the faith but also their struggles. This was awesome! Thanks for posting!

  32. Thanks for that encouragement, Susan!

  33. "Because only when you understand what’s “normal” in Christian living, will you be able to recognize which season you’re in, evaluate your circumstances accurately, and adjust."

    I love the entire message and the quote above and what you shared at the very end. Thank you for the blessing!

    Love you.

  34. Amen!
    One of my favorite songs:
    "My life is in your hands,
    My heart is in your keeping.
    I'm never without hope,
    Not when my future is with you........

    Beautiful post filled with hope!
    Lee Ann

  35. Know that the Holy Ghost Himself is praying for you!
    Romans 8:26-27 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!