
Monday, June 7, 2010

Project 365- My week in pictures



Another week has flown by!  And it’s officially summer down here in the south…HOT and humid.  Please join us today at The Mom Creative for more projects!



Memorial Day.  A quiet day at home.  My husband didn’t have off for this holiday, but he put a flag up to honor the brave men and women who sacrificed for our freedom.  We are grateful also for our son and all the troops who are out there now serving our nation.



My precious grandson Cole.  He never takes that smile off his face!



Took my grands for a portrait.  Hmm…, we just can’t get enough around here.  The guy was so nice and didn’t say anything when I snuck in this one for myself.



A beautiful flower in our garden, they get so big so fast!  I love the color purple.



Karli was having a bowl of cereal at Grammy’s.  Say cheese!



Yes, it’s that time again! 



Had a wonderful Sunday dinner with my son and his family. I love seeing him with his daughters.  After being raised in a family of all boys, this shot with his little girl is especially tender!


  1. Love the photos as always! Few things better than GOOD watermelon on a hot day! But it's gotta be good!
    Continuing to pray!
    Psalms 62:8 Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  2. Love, love, love these! There were a few surprises in there. I love the one of Jason and Kayla!

    Cute...see you in a bit!


  3. They were all beautiful! So summery! I don't even really like watermelon but those slices looked yummy!

  4. They were all beautiful! So summery! I don't even really like watermelon but those slices looked yummy!

  5. I especially love the one of the flag. Beautiful! Long may it wave!

  6. I so enjoy looking at your photos every week. I can't believe how many of your grandkids you have. My nana had those purple flowers by her front door and I always loved them. It must be so fun to have girls around after having boys. Love the flag, never get tired of seeing it. Have a good week.

  7. Your pictures are beautiful, as always! Love the one of your son and his daughter - adorable!

  8. Lovely shots! Hopping over from Tracy's blog after seeing you took her class - isn't it awesome?


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!