
Monday, June 28, 2010

Project 365-My Week in Pictures




My husband called me outside to see this beautiful rainbow.  Aww… the handiwork of God.



My precious grandson Cole playing on the jungle-gym. There is always so much wonder is his eyes!


Wednesday Yes, it’s that season, and I just can’t get enough of these delicious Louisiana strawberries.



My son Justin and his daughter Grace having fun.  I love seeing them together!



My granddaughter modeling her new hat for  Grammy.

Saturday Took my son Jordan to get him a new pair of tennis shoes.  Taking a break and doing what he does best, smiling! 


Recently Updated3

Had the girls over for the weekend while my son and his wife went to a marriage conference.  On Sunday we all went bowling and had a blast!!


Join us over at The Creative Mom for more Project 365!


  1. Great pictures this week. Your grandson is adorable. The hat you bought for granddaughter is so cute on her and I see her crazy bands on her arm just like my kids have. We also went bowling this week and had a blast. We have a kids free summer bowling program here. They get two free games a week for the whole summer, can't beat that deal. I always enjoy seeing all your kids and grandkids photos. Have a Happy and Safe 4th of July.

  2. Oh my word. The EYES on your granddaughter in Friday's photo are simply stunning. You've got some real beauties in your family and you take such clear, saturated, lovely photos. What are you shooting with?

  3. Love your pictures this week. The rainbow picture is beautiful. Great photos!

  4. I think this is my favorite week yet.
    The sweet shot, that picture of Cole, Kayla in the hat, and the bowling shoes...OH, So creative!
    I LOVED all of the pics.
    When you get a chance, throw them on mpix. There are some I want to order from my professional photographer! ;)

  5. Your grandchildren are simply beautiful. And your pictures are amazing as always!

  6. Oh goodness - wonderful shots! Love the strawberries and your granddaughters are beautiful!

  7. Hi Susan...I've been out of the PL loop lately and I'm just starting to play catch-up with everyone's POTD's I've been missing! I have to say, you have some beautiful photography. Those strawberries...I could eat right through the computer! And your granddaughters are darling! Thanks for your comments on my post. Beth Moore is amazing, isn't she? She taught about being created in the image of God...and everything that it means. Heavy, deeply moving stuff. Have a great week! :)


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!