
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Got any plans?




number our days


As I was thinking about this scripture, I realized that there is one thing we all have been given…time.  We don't know how long our time on this earth will last.

So, why are we here? What is our purpose? What is God’s plan, and how should we be living?

According to Scripture, we are here to glorify God.  We exist to bring honor to the One who made us.

The Bible tells us that we should “redeem the time because the days are evil.” (see Ephesians 5:16).

Do you have a plan to make TODAY count?

Please join us today over at The Internet Cafe for more WFW.


  1. Love your photo and your the verse. A very great reminder that we only have so much time here on earth. This earth is just a rehearsal of our life in the future for eternity.


  2. What a beautiful truth, Susan!

    Blessings to you!

  3. Wonderful reminder to make the most of my time here. Love the picture. Happy WFW!

  4. Breathtaking photo.
    I realized just today, I have become so little in the eyes of the world as I strive to follow in Jesus' steps. But I can trust that He will make all these small things, with the small time I have, count for His Kingdom.

  5. Lovely verse to teach us to really live for Christ.

  6. Hey Susan! Thank you for your visit to my little corner of the world and for asking about our daughter. Rachel is doing so well! We had her 6 month post-operation appointment last week with follow up MRIs and they all testified of God's great healing! She is perfectly well and we are rejoicing in God's mercy and grace!

  7. Gosh, isn't that the truth? Being a SAHM I don't see a lot of people, so I make it a point to let the light shine when I'm out doing errands. It's my one opportunity to spread a little joy and I want to do the Lord justice in all I do.

    Beautiful verse!
    Have a fabulous day my friend.

  8. I remember when I knew my family member had only a short time to I hung on every word and treasured the moments together. May I treasure my times with the Lord like that.

  9. Amen my friend, this is so good, and such a way to lift the name of Jesus high above all others, Hugs and blessings, Barbara

  10. Oh, how I pray that I am a good steward of the time God has given me...may I strive, all of my days, to make His name famous!!


  11. One of my favorite verse! Awesome picture to go with it!

  12. Enjoyed this post, and you have a wonderful blog! I have 5 children and greatly admire those with large families. Have a wonderful day!

  13. AMEN SISTER! What are we here for? To glorify God...end of discussion!

    LOVE IT!

    Love you!


  14. What a gorgeous photo along with such an inspirational Bible verse. Thank you :)

  15. How beautiful, Susan! What a great message, too - yes, I have a plan to make today count. I am going to take lunch to a heartbroken friend and spend the rest of the day giggling with my little people in our kiddie pool in the backyard. It's going to be 95 degrees and that is the only place we want to be!! It's the only place I ever want to be - with them. Thanks for the reminder, Susan!

  16. Oh I love this 'a plan to make today count'. Thanks for the encouragement. I love the photo too.
    Have a Blessed Day,

  17. So true! Thanks for sharing!



  18. Great truth! The thought of our time on earth gets stronger as we age. Lately, I have yearned to be ever busy doing my Father's will.

    Linda J

  19. So true - with all the losses and very close to home storms lately I am really really starting to understand how we are just mist.

  20. Love the sunset photo and a reminder to number our days. Too often, I do not plan my time appropriately.


  21. Susan, I love the image and I love the Scripture. Your words made me stop and consider how I'm spending my time. Thanks for challenging me.


  22. That photo is so beautiful and reminds me that it is summer sunset season here on Whidbey Island. Sometimes we drive down to the beach just to watch the sun go down. It is breathtaking!
    Love the scripture and your reflections, too.

  23. Beautiful photo! I'm currently doing a Bible study on Proverbs about wisdom. Very informative.


  24. That was a bit of an I have plans?? Am getting a bit too lazy but then the best laid plans......
    I was going to pick up a friend with MS and go to sit and sew at another friend's home and I got a phone call from her saying she was really unwell, unable to move and her husband and 2 sons were away together. I hopped into dressing gown and slippers and as she said, God was caring for her in that she had unlocked the back door before the vertigo took over so I was able to go in via the gate into the back. He even saw that I had cramp tablets which she needed part way through the three hours or I think that just handing our plans to His hands is often the best way around.
    I love your photo.....and so true, none of us know the number of our days.

  25. Thanks for stopping by my blog! You have a beautiful family!

  26. I love the picture, so calming. I don't think we really make the time for God that we need to. Too often we give Him what is left over...and most days that's not too much.

  27. Susan, thank you for a great reminder. God has blessed each of us with a certain amount of time. I want to make mine count for His glory...not to waste it.

    Love the photo my friend! Where did you take it? Enjoy your day!!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!