
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Banner of Love






This verse in Song of Solomon was one of the first songs I learned as a young Christian.

It seems like only yesterday I was teaching it to my children. 

And now, I couldn’t help but be reminded of it when I took this picture of my precious grandson, Cole.

 How reassuring to know we have such a covering of love!


Please join us today over at the Cafe for more WFW!




  1. Susan, he's so cute and I love your verse selection today.


  2. A beautiful picture and a great reminder that we are under the banner of God's love.

    Blessings to you today!

  3. Valerie@composition-lifeJuly 14, 2010 at 8:48 AM

    Praise God for the little ones! Constant reminders of God's Love for us.

    I loved that song when I learned it so many years ago!
    Such a great way to tuck scripture away in our hearts!

  4. Oh what a SWEETIE he is!

  5. Oh, what a precious picture and a beautiful reminder. Thanks for sharing this.

    Happy WFW.

  6. Okay, that is absolutely precious. Made me smile, big time. Thank you, sis!!!

  7. Oh, I LOVE this, Susan! I used to do WFW... I need to get back to it. It always made me really sit down and reflect on His Word...
    And that is a great picture of your little man! Love his smile... what a sweetheart. You are blessed....

  8. Awww...that's just too cute! I was singing this with my kids just the other day...funtimes! Love and Smiles!!

  9. What a cute picture to illustrate this one. He looks like he truly believes it, without one doubt in his smiling little face! Very encouraging.

  10. What a cutie-pie! And what a smile you gave me. I, too, remember that being a Bible memory verses project for my kids when they were young. Did y'all ever sing the song, "His banner over me is love?" My kids and I sang that in VBS years ago and I still remembered it to teach it to my grandkids. :)

  11. OK- now I know my only getting 5 hours of sleep is catching up with me. You DID sing that song - sorry! :)

    How fun to know we were probably singing it at the same time in different places way back when and now still singing it together today, still in different places, :) and SOMEDAY we'll be singing it together in heaven!!! Can NOT WAIT!!!

    Have a blessed week, with more sleep than I got! ;)

  12. I learned this song also as a child and loved singing it! Love the picture, what a cutie! Happy WFW.

  13. What a great picture with that verse, perfect!

  14. He is ADORABLE! So precious!

    Happy WFW!

  15. Amen!! Cole is so cute and what a blessing as you pour out over yet another generation of your family what you learned in the LORD.

    Love you!

  16. There's a lot of love going on in this picture, for sure...

    I loved this!

  17. Oh, I love that verse!!! And what a cutie pie!!!

  18. He is so so cute love the whole picture and outfit so adorable.

    I wante to say thank you for visiting my blog and I put up the rest of the pictures to go with my dream house to win. If you have time go take a look.

  19. Precious, precious! Such a great verse/song!!!

  20. Great pic...and verse! So proud and blessed to be under His banner!
    Many Blessings!

  21. Cute, cute, cute! And yes, His banner over us is LOVE. Happy WFW!

  22. Oh-so adorable! And even more special since he's your grandson! =]

  23. Cole is a cute name to a cute grandson. Amen! we are under the banner of God's love.

  24. What a precious photo.........and yes...I sang it also.
    And now to really believe that His banner over me is love...not just when I try to be good.....but all the time because of what Jesus did.

  25. He is just so adorable!!!!!!!!
    Know that I'm still here praying!
    Psalm 31:19-21 Oh how great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee; which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men! Thou shalt hide them in the secret of thy presence...thou shalt keep them secretly in a pavilion...Blessed be the LORD: for he hath shewed me his marvellous kindness in a strong city.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  26. Cute kids!!!

    Just followed you...add me please..

    Thanks for Droppin by last time!

    God bless you!!! =)

  27. he's so cute! great pic! and that is one of the first songs i learned as a young child...I love Song of Solomon...have been doing a study on it for the last few months....there is so much in there for us!! God's Love is amazing!!

  28. Yes! I'm a day late...picked up my kiddos from their grands PERFECT is this! I love it! What a gift you've got for taking these pics! Even Scott said, "she's really, really good!"

    Love you girl!

  29. Awww! What a cute pic to go with the verse! :D


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!