
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Four Handsome Single Sons!




When I saw this week’s theme on Show Us Your Life, I knew I had to join in.  As the mother of 5 sons it’s been an amazing journey.  First, I thought I’d show you some pictures of what they looked like when they were young.  I’m sure many of you reading this are parents of young children.  Ladies, there is life beyond the difficult days of raising young children.  Before you know it they will be teenagers and then leaving for college.  It seems like in the blink of an eye they were all grown.  So enjoy the time you have with them, and use your time wisely.  

And a note to the single girls that will be viewing this… I’ve been praying that God would send each of them a special woman who above all else, loves Jesus with all her heart!

So here they are…


Old Pics Facebook 003



This is all the boys at my oldest son’s wedding.


~Joseph-Joel~                         ~Jason-Jordan-Justin~


OK ladies I’d like to introduce bachelor number one.  This is my baby.  Joel David graduated last year from high school. (sigh)   Joel is 19 years old.  He loves music, movies, and dreams of being a videographer one day.  Joel also loves paintball, and is a TRUE New Orleans Saints fan!  Oops, that gives away where we are from! Who Dat?


Joel Senior 09

~Senior year~






The handsome guy in the middle is taken! He’s all mine!


Bachelor number 2 is Jordan.  As you can see, Jordan is another Saints fan!  (OK, all my son’s love football!) Jordan is a people person.  He has a really tender heart.  Another special thing about Jordan is, he is a brain tumor survivor! 

Diagnosed at age 16, he has been through a lot.  Jordan is a patient at St. Jude Hospital in Memphis, where he goes back for check ups every 6 months.   He amazed us all the way he came through treatment.  He is our hero for sure!

Jordan loves worship music, going to church, and out to eat!  He is completely sold out to Jesus!  Jordan is 24.









Bachelor number 3 is Joseph.  Ladies if you like adventure, he’s the man!  Joseph recently returned home from a 2 year adventure around the world.  He started in Taiwan teaching English and also taught in Thailand and Turkey.  In all, he traveled to 38 countries and crossed 4 continents, finally ending his trip in western Europe. 

Joseph loves to read and he plays the guitar.  There isn’t anything he doesn’t enjoy doing. Traveling is not a problem for him, and he is always ready to go!  I can’t wait to meet the woman who captures this wonderer’s heart!  Joseph is 26.








Bachelor number 4 is Justin.  Justin is a lead guitar player in a Christian rock band.  They just signed a recording contract and will begin a nation wide tour in September. 

He loves music, football and hanging out with his friends. Justin is 28.










And finally ladies I’ve saved the best for last.  Yes here is the youngest single guy in our family.  Watch out ladies, because he’s a real “hunk”! 

Cole loves to play, swim, and push his lawnmower all around the yard.  He also enjoys throwing his football, and playing with his sisters.  Cole is 18 months old. 







It will be fun having my son’s check out all the single girls that post.


Kelly if you are reading this, I want you to know I showed my grandson, Cole, Harper’s picture.  He just loved her pacifier and got very excited when he saw her darling face. He also loves all her outfits too.  Who knows, it may be a match made in heaven.


Thanks so much for stopping by!!  

Please join us over at Kelly’s Korner today!


  1. First off, all your boys seem like wonderful men and your grandson is absolutely adorable!!

    I wish I lived closer! I might have to make a move to a different state haha

  2. Harper's not allowed to date yet but Cole sure is a cutie!

  3. I claim the 18 month old for my 20 month old :)

  4. Maybe I missed it, but where is the 28 year old? I am looking for a friend of mine (I need to find her a good Godly man!). If it is near TN, leave me a comment.

    You have VERY gorgeous sons!

  5. Awww...this is soooo cute, but I am not ready to give up that final bachelor. I am still the love of his life, and I am keeping it that way for as long as possible!

    This post was just adorable. Of course, I think they are all handsome, although I am partial to your oldest. ;)

    Praying for some beautiful, GODly sister-in-laws for me.

    Love you...

  6. hey there~
    I can't believe I am responding to this but your son Joesph caught my eye! I LOVE traveling also (getting ready to go to Greece for vacation in a few weeks), and think it's wonderful he taught English in other countries. I am 25, Greek Orthodox (I am father was born there), love my family (have amazing parents and 2 great brothers), and would love to find someone with similar interests.

    My email is

  7. What does one even say here?
    I'm not sure.
    Your boys sound great.
    All of them.
    As I'm only 19.
    Only the younger two. (not the babe)
    Would probably be right.
    But who knows.
    Well, God.
    Well I did link at Kellys.
    But thought I'd leave a comment saying, have them check out my post!

  8. Love your blog. Your boys are a *catch8 for some blessed girl! Your me in 20 years. This Nonny has a couple of baby girls who may want to meet him!

  9. What a fun post! I love it! I can so relate to it I guess with four handsome sons of my own! What a wonderful family you have been blessed with! I know God will continue to enlarge it! And give you even MORE adorable grandchildren that you will beautifully capture on film!

  10. Oh my goodness, the picture of you with all the boys when they were younger, so awesome!! You're right you have very handsome sons!! Your Grandson, what a charmer!!

  11. What a gorgeous family you have. From a mom of 3 boys 19 almost 20, 12 almost 13 and 7 I know what you live with on a daily basis! I wouldnt trade it for the world! Thanks for sharing!!

    Have a blessed TGIF!!

  12. What an adorable, creative post! You have such a beautiful family! I think Harper and Cole would make a darling couple. :) You're so right. My baby girl just turned 15 and it seems like she should still be in elementary school. I cannot imagine her leaving home. Thanks for sharing. I'm sure those boys will be snatched up quick!

  13. Just popping in to get an eyeful of your men... WOW! What a handsome bunch of guys.

    Trusting that they find the right ladies at the right time.

    You have a lot of Grandmothering still ahead of you... what a blessing! ღ

  14. This is such a cute post! I'm not single, but wanted to tell you what handsome sons you have!

    (and to thank you for stopping by my blog earlier this week!)

    Maybe I'll see your son Justin in concert this fall?! What's his band name - if you don't mind sharing that bit of info?

  15. These are such amazing and comforting words of Scripture. Praying!
    Romans 8:26-27 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  16. These are fantastic photos!
    These are such amazing and comforting words of Scripture. Praying!
    Romans 8:26-27 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  17. Five sons? Wow, I don't know how you do/did it. I have one and he's a little heart breaker!

    Anyway, I wanted to say that it's a shame Colorado is nowhere near you. What's Justin's bands name? I'll have to check them out if they stop in Colorado!

  18. Your son the 24 year old seems like an interesting guy and he wins cool points in my book for being a saints fan! Does he blog?

  19. SO GLAD I stumbled upon your blog (I think via southern mommas??) LOVE your faith!

    You sure are blessed with a beautiful family!! And welcome to the newest addition:)

    WHO DAT:)

  20. Stumbled across your blog! Just thought I would say hello!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Thanks for sharing, I'm too far away but am curious that one of your sons taught in Turkey. I did too, what city? I'm still hanging out in this part of the world. Thanks- Ruth

  23. I'm Mallory, I'm 19, and I would really love to talk to Joel! I live in NC, so it's a little far, but hey, it can't hurt right? You can check out my blog at or email me at

  24. All very handsome! Love your post! :)

  25. First, I just wanted to tell you how much I love seeing your "momma's heart" throughout this post. I can see how much you love your boys and I can only imagine how that translates into how they live and will love their future mate. I have 4 nephews and can see these same desires you have for your sons, in my sister-in-law's approach to her boys! It has been a prayerful desire of mine to meet a man who belongs to a big, tight knit family. Family has always been a huge part of who I am and I would love to meet a man that shares that.
    Secondly, each one of your sons is absolutly handsome! Good job, mom! I found that I was specifically intrigued by Justin. Music is one of my many passions and I love that he is pursuing his dream in this area.

    I am 24 and currently reside in St. Louis. I know this may be a bit far from you but I'm a firm believer that if God has something in HIS plan, miles don't matter :) I am a college graduate and am currently working for a wonderful non-profit Christian residential counseling ministry that serves young women battling life controlling issues. I love music and traveling. I have a huge heart for people and missions.
    My sister hijacked my blog earlier this year to do a SUYL-Singles post, so here is the link. Feel free to check it out!

    Thank you for being an awesome picture of a Godly mother. Even if I'm not one of them, I know that God has some awesome women for your boys that will love them and bless you as well.


  26. All your sons are very cute, but i think Cole might give them all a run for their money! What a cutie

  27. If Jordan is still available, he might be a good match for my best friend that I just linked up's the post about her:

    And btw, if I was still single, Cole would be my top pick :) He's definitely going to be a heart breaker later on!

  28. Love your blog =) I wrote about my single friend, Leah. She's 27 and loves Jesus with all her heart!

  29. My Mom also raised five handsome sons - and then I came along! You're very blessed!

  30. Jordan sounds like a precious match for my granddaughter Brittany. she doesnt know im doing this but she has a great heart and a great sence of humor, i pick on her all the time about finding her someone so i dont think she'd be upset if he e-mailed her! she has a sevant heart and loves the Lord!

  31. Hi! I don't know if any of your darling boys are still available but if so, I have a great friend who they might find interesting as well. I have put in her Kelly's SUYL Singles post #3 and just so happened to be looking back on the past. she is #66 on this weeks post. She lives in Alabama but travels to Louisiana (where I live) frequently. Email me at


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!