
Monday, October 25, 2010

I Heart Faces-Pink




This week’s theme is in celebration of Breast Cancer Awareness month.

So many people have been touched by this disease.  Personally I have had several friends in the battle, or have won their battle.

As women, this is a very personal and passionate cause.

My prayer is for a cure to be found quickly.



(my precious granddaughter at her own imaginary tea-party!)

Please join us over here for lots and lots of PINK!


  1. Adorable! Love the color and the tea cup.

  2. What little girls doesn't love dress up?!

    Love the shot!

  3. Stopping by from i heart faces.

    LOVE your entry!!! So cute!

  4. I should have known that you would have a great pink pic! How absolutely lovely.... and for such a great cause!

  5. What a fancy little lady! Really sweet.

  6. With so many I care about being struck with breast cancer over the years and with so many I pray for having to deal with it or their loved ones it just drives me harder to prayer for GOD's miracle cure.

    Beautiful photo of your beautiful daughter!

    Love you dear friend.

  7. Awww how cute - I love a good tea party!

  8. Girls and their tea parties! Way cute :) And thanks for leaving a comment on my blog.

  9. Love this pic. So precious.

    I left you a comment about the nifty fifty on my blog. I did get that lens and love it. However the pic I picked is from my former camera. :) Didn't have a lot of pink pics to choose from.

    Love and hugs

    Your pics are amazing! Do you have PhotoShop? I don't.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!