
Monday, October 25, 2010

Project 365 My week in pictures






My husband in the front yard getting warmed up for a golf game.  His dream would be to play everyday!



Took a walk in the neighborhood and caught this beautiful sunset.  Fall is finally in the air.




Put up some decorations around the house and in the garden.  I love harvest time.



We don’t see many leaves changing colors down here in the south, but this yellow spotted leaf caught my granddaughters eye! 



Kayla was running down a hill in our neighborhood and shouted, “Look Grammy I can fly!”



My grandson Cole, taking some time to smell the flowers.  It’s a lesson we could all learn a little better.



Took the girls bowling on Sunday.  Kayla looked so grown up in this shot.  She is only five and I’m already worried about losing my grandbabies.



Please join us over at The Mom Creative for more projects.


  1. You have such an amazing eye...each picture caught something so special!
    Praying in Seattle!
    Psalms 62:5-7 My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him. He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defence; I shall not be moved. In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  2. Susan, these are beautiful shots! Shot #3 is just wonderful reminder to all of us this time of the year. You have such sweet grandchildren, and I might add, you look so young to have grandchildren.

  3. LOVE the one of your grandson and the flowers! too precious.

  4. Love the one of your grandson! All are fab. Great week!

  5. Beautiful pictures this week Susan. Every week I love seeing them and especially your grandkids, they are so cute. What a beautiful sunset and love the fall signs in your garden. My dad would love that first photo he is a golfer just about everyday he golfs. Have a great week and Halloween.

  6. Cole's shot is so sweet - love those eyelashes!

  7. What a beautiful week Susan. Your grandbabies are so dear. May the days go by slowly so the babies remain! Mine is WAY TOO BIG!

  8. Lifting up prayers!
    Psalms 62:8 Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  9. Saturday's photo was my favorite. Cole will be a future heartbreaker ;-P Have a blessed weekend!

  10. Such lovely photos. Loved the yard sign. Too cute, but once again all pics are eclipsed by your gorgeous grandchildren!

  11. Beautiful pictures and family...

    God bless you....

  12. Your grandchildren are gorgeous Susan! Every time I see their precious faces I smile BIG!! Your grand daughter in the "Thursday" photo looks like one of my porcelain dolls named Meagan.

    I pray all is well with you and the whole family.

    Giving thanks for you my friend. Love you.

  13. You have the prettiest grandchildren!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!