
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Lessons from the Playground







Even as we grow older Jesus is telling us that we should never lose the beauty of innocence as seen in the eyes of a child. 

Often our lives become so cluttered and complicated that we forget what it is like to have a childlike faith and trust in God.

My grandchildren keep me constantly reminded of the simplicity of a life that is filled with joy and laughter.

No wonder Jesus used this perfect example to call us to a life that is marked by a total dependence upon Him.


Please join us at the Cafe for more Word filled posts!


Lord, teach me to trust you all the days of my life.  Give me eyes that focus on you daily and a peace that comes from leaning close to your heart.  Thank you Father for being there for me, watching over and protecting my my family.  You are faithful, and you are true.  I love you Jesus.


  1. Sweet blessings Susan!!! He's adorable! Look at that smile and those is no wonder Jesus invites us to come as a child! Perfect shot of delight! Keep enJOYING these precious ones!

    May you have many moments of love and laughter with your wonderful grandchildren! May our faith be as trusting and filled with such JOY!

    Christ's peace and JOY this CHRISTmas season and always, my friend... glad to see you sharing your good eye and wonderful grandchildren with us this WFW!

  2. Lovely pictorial reminder of what we mean to our Heavenly Father.

  3. I'm lovin' that face!!! How gorgeous and happy and carefree . .. the beauty of trust! May that beauty shine out of each of us, and may we be thankful for the children in our lives that teach us as we teach them. :)

  4. Oh i just love the picture and of course the scripture, it reminds me to always have that childlike faith.


  5. What a sweetie! And what a great way of illustrating this wonderful verse from the Word of God! One that I frequently think about. Have a blessed Christmas season with those beloved grandchildren. :)

  6. A perfect picture of your grandson for the scripture. What joy radiates from his face! As we are children of God, may His joy radiate from our faces.

    Blessings to you this WFW!

  7. Fantastic post! Happy Word-filled Wednesday!

  8. Girlfriend! It's so good to have you join us! We miss you!! What an AdorABLE picture! What an incredible reminder!

    Love THIS!!
    Merry Christmas! Hey, and if you want a jpeg of the watercolor, just holler and I'll send you one!

    love you!

  9. I agree, a beautiful picture to convey the message of salvation.

  10. Awww! What a cutie! Beautiful word to go with the picture!

    Have a blessed CHRISTmas! :)

  11. This picture made me smile. We need more child-like joy in this world. Thanks for sharing.

  12. I love the photo and the verse that goes with. Just a perfect reminder of who we are to Him.

  13. Sometimes, in a world where we're called to grow up incredibly quickly, we forget that Jesus wants us to come to him as the children do...not as "worldy adults."

    Thanks for this. And thanks for stopping by my blog!

  14. Oh how neat! I love the photo and how you displayed these great words! I just love it. Do you mind if I use it in a presentation? I have a group of girls starting to memorize scripture and they will be scrapbook illustrations. I wanted to do a slide show of some great WFW to get thier minds going? I'll also post on my ministry blog too. Do you mind? Of couse I'll give you credit and link back to you. Would ya email me?
    Thanks for sharing this I loved it!

  15. Often our lives become so cluttered and complicated that we forget what it is like to have a childlike faith and trust in God. I love that sentence Susan and looking at Cole's happy face is a sweet way to remind us of where how our countenance should always be if we are christians...Yikes, I've a long way to go. Thanks and love you!!

  16. i loved this and that we are always called back to become like a 'little child', both because I have little ones and I can get way too complicated...

    thanks for blessing:)

  17. Childhood innocence is so refreshing. I just came hack from 9 days with my 4 and 5 year old grandsons. All life is an adventure to them, and they almost always have a smile to share. Things of the world just roll off their backs in a couple of seconds.

  18. He is precious, Susan. Thank you, Dear ~ Blessings

  19. Oh what a precious face! I love the innocence of children. May we have their faith!

  20. Wow. I just said to you on my blog that I was coming over to see your beautiful grandchildren. What a pleasant place this is as they grace the pages of your blog. How truly blessed you are. And yes, that verse is so perfect for that picture. How wise were our Lord's words, yes?
    And how merciful to give us such bright spots in our lives as the years start winding downward.

  21. Your pics are getting better and better. So thankful you are sharing them and your precious heart.

    Sweet hugs to you friend.

    Merry Christmas!
    Much love,

  22. so sweet Susan!

    and you're on the the 29th! :)

  23. I love hearing that - especially from a mom of five sons! That encourages me that my child-like faith will survive rasing my 5 sons!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!