
Monday, December 6, 2010

Project 365-My Week In Pictures






Took my grandchildren to see Santa at the mall.  The timing could not have been more perfect.  No lines and lots of time to discuss what was on their lists.  The guy working the booth was so gracious to allow me to take a few shots of my own photo’s, as well as the ones we purchased.    Oh the joy of Christmas!




Grace was having fun trying on hats and ear-mittens at Penny’s.  She looked so cute in this one.  I wonder if Santa will bring her one just like it?



My sweet friend Tonya sent me this chocolate covered apple, along with a delicious cake in a jar.  Oh my…to have a special friend like her is a gift I treasure daily.  Yep, she spoils me, what can I say?  Thanks again Tonya, it was AWESOME!




We finally concluded our Study on Revelations by Beth Moore.  Oh…what can I say?  This study was so interesting and loaded with lots of “revelation” for sure.  I was sorry to see it end.  Looking forward to our next study in the New Year.



Grace came for the weekend.  She was all excited about trying on her new dress for the tea.   We also practiced how to hold her tea cup.  She looked so beautiful!




Each year I host a Christmas Tea for some of my close friends and family at the English Tea Room.  We had such a great time of fellowship and fun this year.  My granddaughter, Karli, also celebrated her 4th birthday this year at the tea.  She was four on the fourth! Her golden birthday.  Karli was so excited when she got her new doll.



Took the girls to see Tangled and out for a quick bite to eat at Burger King.  If you haven’t seen this movie, it’s a MUST!  I don’t know who enjoyed it more, my granddaughters or me.   Here is Kayla playing at the restaurant after the movie.  These kids are so full of energy.


Please join us over at The Mom Creative for more fun.


  1. Wednesday looks delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Great week of images!

  2. Santa gets around! While I was walking at a park on Lake Washington I heard yelling...there was Santa in the back of a boat with an elf driving. The elf was yelling Merry Christmas and Santa was waving!
    I think I gained a pound or two just looking at that apple! Your friendship is such a blessing!
    No matter what happens in life, the Lord has us wrapped up in His loving care. Praying!
    Psalms 91:4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  3. What a great week of photos! I love the one with Santa! It looks like you had a wonderful time at the tea. Loved reading about your fabulous week!

  4. Gorgeous, as always! Love peeking into your life, Susan. Thanks for sharing your joy through your photos.

    ((Hugs)) e-Mom ღ

  5. Wednesday's friend is wonderful! I want to see Tangled!

  6. Thanks for leaving a sweet comment on my blog. I love all the pictures you shared. Beautiful!

  7. Love the kids with Santa, they look so cute in their holiday red. The apple looks yummy, so happy to have a good friend like that indeed. We saw the movie Tangled and I loved it!! Such pretty tea party pictures of all of you. Love that dress Katie? is wearing with her teacup, so grown up at 4. Have a wonderful week.

  8. What a great set of pictures. Your family is beautiful and that apple looks to die for...

  9. How I just LOVE looking at the pictures you take !! Beautiful every one of them!!!



Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!