
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

By God's Grace You'll Make It!







The Bible speaks of, "Samson and Jephthah, also of David and Samuel…who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong" .

Who were these people? Jephthah, a social outcast born to an unwed mother. Samuel, a great prophet but not a great parent. David, who wrote the Psalms but had an affair.

"Their weakness was turned to strength”.

Notice, they didn't start out strong, they became strong.

And if they can make it, you can make it too!

God chooses to work through people like us to show Himself strong. So no matter what you may be facing, always remember, “their weakness was turned into strength.”

By God’s strength – You’ll make it!


Please join us today over at the Café for more WFW! 


  1. That was beautiful Susan! And love the picture of your grandson! Thanks for the reminder that in our weakness He makes us strong.

    Blessings to you this WFW!

  2. Oh Susan, what words of encouragement for this Sandwich Generation Granny Nanny -not to mention such an adorable picture! :) David and others like him in the Bible are such heroes to me, precisely because of their failings even though their hearts were set on God. I keep reminding myself that, yes - I fail often, but so did they. So I just keep fixing my eyes and my heart on God and praying HE will use me in spite of me - and the same for all my beloveds from senior parents on down to grandchildren! Thank you for such an encouraging Word-Filled Wednesday.

  3. Lovely photo.

    I'm always fascinated by characters in the Bible like the stutterer Moses and tricky Jacob, who conspired with his mother to lie to his father and cheat his brother. Sometimes, I must admit that I'm confounded by that.

    On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, welcome, and thanks for participating! - ROG

  4. He's adorable.

    Welcome aboard!

    ABC Team

  5. Very beautiful, thank you for blessing me today !

  6. Adorable picture Susan!! Praise God the He uses us even in our weaknesses and helps us to BECOME strong. It's quite a journey huh? Thanks for stopping know how life gets too busy!! Blessings to you my dear friend.

  7. So perfect!! In our weakness we are indeed strong!

    LOVE this friend!
    peace girlfriend!

  8. Isn't he a cutie!? Blessings to you for the rest of the week!

  9. So cute and the boy is just pretty...Happy WFW!

  10. I love the visual! That scripture is a wonderful reminder and encouragement to me. Thank you!

  11. I love this! The picture is awesome! God uses our weaknesses to glorify himself, bringing us all the strength we need!

  12. Grateful to know that I don't have to start off strong but that He makes us strong!

    Happy WFW!

  13. I'm so glad he turns my weakness into strength.

    Cute picture and wonderful devotion.

  14. Thank you Susan! Love the picture and the encouragement!

    Please feel free to stop by: Trailing After God

  15. Blessings Susan... What an adorable photo of strength! You tell him that he looks very strong to me and his smile may be the girl's weakness!
    Keep that little one close because they years will go by so quickly!
    Already I can't believe how much he's grown! Precious just like your grand daughters!

    I love your encouraging and powerful message to us in very few words, you capture what God makes possible through His grace and strength in our weakness, and boy... does He ever come through in our weak moments if we rely on His strength and power instead of depending on our feeble way. He is strong! And I'm so thankful for His strength in me!

    It's so wonderful to see you on WFW and send my (((hugs)))!!!

    Peace, love and JOY,

  16. Wow! First off I LOVE that photo. PERIOD. What is more gorgeous. Secondly, your words of encouragement are so strong! As God does work through us to show others what HE can do. We must spread the word, His word, and how great He is! Thanks for this post! :D

  17. Beautiful! I feel very inspired. And your kids are gorgeous!

  18. Oh my goodness Susan. That is the absolute CUTEST picture. I LOVE it. And I LOVE that verse. I love knowing we have Jesus in our corner! What could be better?

  19. Amen, amen, what an inspiring and encouraging post, thank you for sharing, the picture is cute

  20. Thank you for your words of encouragement! I'll just lean on the Lord's grace more.
    Thanks for visiting again. It's nice to see you again.


  21. Praying in Seattle!
    Psalms 23:4-6 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  22. cute photo...thanks for your encouraging verse.

  23. AMEN! When I am weak He is strong, and yes, by His strength I'll make it! Claiming those words of truth today. Love the picture!

    Much love,

  24. Amen! How true it is that God can take imperfect people and still accomplish what he needs done! Love your comments and the pic is adorable! Thanks for sharing! :)

  25. Love this Susan. So appreciated given our current situation. My husband and I were just discussing how in our weakness, God is strong.


  26. What a great post! And, the picture is just darling! It's hard to get everything done and spend time on my blog! But, I am going to keep at it! Hope y'all are doing well! Going to peak at some of your earlier posts before I grab my new book---A Thousand Gifts--and curl up in bed! Everyone is gone for the night except the dog and me! Too quiet!!
    Love ya!

  27. Your little guy's pose just makes me grin! He's SO cute.

    Oops, I was so taken with your shot that I missed out on the inspiration part. Will back out and have a read in a minute.

    Meanwhile, when you get a chance, I have a blog award for you at Chrysalis. No obligation, but do take it as a compliment.

    ((Hugs))) e-Mom ღ

  28. His strength is so much more than I can ever have! So thankful that He will give us strength, when we ask! :) Great pic!

  29. Such a powerful and anointed "word" for my weakened heart this day, Susan. Thanks for writing it. I've had many times in recent days when I just didn't know if I would make it. I'm all over the emotional map these days, searching for direction and a firm grip on my "next." Problem is, God hasn't revealed the particulars at this point, so my faith is being tested at a deeper level. I suppose I had less time to "do" when I was doing chemo. Truly, it became my sole responsibility. In many ways, it still is as I seek to overcome all the ways it exacted a toll on my body... my emotions as well.

    I appreciate your prayers. Oh, by the way, I heard from our friend Alicia recently. She blessed my heart with her encouragement. Isn't she something? As are you, my friend.

    Blessed Sabbath rest to you and yours.


  30. We have such amazing eyewitness testimony of Jesus and just a fraction of what He did while He was visibly present here on earth. Look only to Him! Praying!
    1 John 1:1-4 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life; (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;) That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  31. Thankyou, that's really encouraging at a time when I'm feeling weak.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!