
Monday, January 24, 2011

Project 365- My Week in Pictures









We sure had a rough start to our week.  My son got a nasty stomach bug.  Because of his medical condition his doctor had him come to the sick room and get some fluids intravenously.  I wish it would have ended with him, but a few days later both I and his younger brother caught it as well.  I’m so glad this is all behind us now.



It was a grey gloomy afternoon.  I stepped out on my back porch to discover all these birds waiting for their evening meal.  My husband always refills our birdfeeder in the evening…and they know when its getting to be that time of day.



I’ve been waiting a long time for the chance to roll up a little girls’ hair.  Being the mom of five sons, I wasn’t sure I ever would.  But now I’ve got my grands, and I enjoy every minute I have with them.  They were so cute and so excited to have it done.  The woke up with beautiful, curly, bouncy hair. 




We finally started our first bible study of the New Year.   When I heard we were doing this one I got real excited.  A few years ago I had the privilege of attending a Deeper Still Conference in Nashville with some very special St. Jude moms .  Memoires I’ll cherish forever.



The girls were playing dress up all afternoon.  Could not pass up a quick photo-shoot.  I just love my little sugar plum fairy.




Went to dinner at a fabulous restaurant.  My son took this picture of us as we were waiting to be seated.




Had the honor of taking some shots of precious little newborn.   Isn’t he just the cutest?


Thanks so much for stopping by.  Have a blessed day♥


  1. I hope you are all feeling better by now - that's just awful for everyone to get sick.
    The pink foam rollers are so cute :)

  2. All gorgeous shots! You are so beautiful and it reflects into your family!

    Hope your sons get better quickly!

  3. Beautiful pictures. So sorry your were sick though, hope you are all feeling better. That's quite a story with the birds, don't think I've ever heard of any so trained like that. :)


  4. LOVE Friday and Sunday! Hope you're all feeling better. It's so not fun to be sick, but at least we're alive : )

  5. So sorry you've been sick! Oh I hate that kind! So glad you're over it!
    What comforting verses! Praying!
    Psalms 23:1-3 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  6. Hi Susan,
    Sorry to hear that you were sick. Glad your feeling better and that you took some fun pictures. I love that one with the birds in the tree, have to show my husband it, he loves birds. Your granddaughters are precious and it must be so fun to have girls around for you. What a cute little baby in the last photo. We just had a new baby cousin born yesterday and I'll be babysitting him, can't wait, newborns are so sweet. Have a good week.

  7. Hi Susan. Long time no speak!! Your photos are just as wonderful as usual. Glad to hear you and the rest are feeling better!!

  8. So glad y'all are all better and I hope it's over. Great week of photos as usual! I need to get a bird feeder so I can get some visitors like you!

  9. OH Susan, sorry to hear you were all sick. I am hoping the flu bug doesn't knock on my door this year. Beautiful photo's I love the one with the birds.. amazing! have a great week. hugsxx

  10. Your son looks so sick. His eyes say it all. You did a great job on the baby's picture.

  11. Hope all are feeling better - the newborn shot is gorgeous.

    I tried curlers in my girls once and they woke up with the "lines" from the bars??? So I use the curling iron.

  12. Hope your son is feeling better. These are all beautiful shots, the birds waiting for dinner made me laugh, as did the girls with rollers, I have't seen those in years.

  13. I love that tree picture! Hope everyone is feeling better!

  14. Thank you for the sweet comment on my blog. You have a beautiful family and are truly blessed! Wonderful photography too!

  15. I pray everyone is feeling better in your house :)

    Great have a talent.

    And oh how I remember those foam mom used to roll my hair on Friday nights...precious.

  16. Was waiting on that AFTER picture from the pink curlers. I rolled my daughter's hair on those every night as she was growing up!!!

    So glad you are all feeling better. There are so many sick people around here! UGH!

  17. Lovely! I love your p365 post Susan. =)

  18. Love every single photo, Susan! Nice work, as usual.

    We did that same Deeper Still Bible Study at church last year. It was interesting to compare the teaching styles of Priscilla, Beth and Kay. Who do you like the best?

    (((Hugs))) e-Mom ღ

  19. Yuck on the sickness; glad to hear it's gone now. :)

    That precious baby is beautiful! You captured him incredibly well. I love that shot.


  20. I am in love with the photo of your granddaughters in their sponge rollers --takes me back!! Hope everyone is feeling better now and thanks for visiting my blog too :)

  21. Hope y'all are better! Bless your hearts! Love these pictures! You are so talented! And that baby's eyes! They were wide open! Hope the weekend is full of blessings!

  22. Love your photos! I hope you and your family are feeling better!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!