
Monday, February 14, 2011

Project 365-My Week in pictures








My granddaughter was making Valentines so I thought I’d catch her in the act!  Isn’t that a beautiful smile?



I finally made the hard decision on what new lens I wanted to buy next, and it arrived today.  Looks like I’m going to have fun with this one!



My 29th birthday came around once again!  Yep, seems like my children are now passing me up in the age department.  Had a wonderful day that ended with a scrumptious steak dinner with my hubby and Jordan.  So grateful for another year. 



I  got another neat gadget for my camera.  The Lightscoop.  This picture was taken around 11:00pm at night.  My husband and our cat were fast asleep.  The only light on in the room was the lamp next to his chair.  I’m loving the effects already!



I was so excited to get my table set up for company that was coming on Saturday.   I celebrated my birthday together with some dear friends.  All three of us have February birthdays.  I just loved how the cake turned out.  And talk about delicious!



Here we all are after enjoying a wonderful lunch out.  After a quick walk in the neighborhood, we headed out to church, then came back and ate that awesome cake.  What a great night of fellowship!  I’m so blessed to have these special friends in my life.



Experimenting with my new lens.  These were a few of the remnants from our birthday party.


  1. Love getting to see your test photos and what you can do now!
    Still praying hard in Seattle!
    Psalms 34:4, 6-7 I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. (6-7) This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  2. Wonderful photos. I love her smile. Happy Birthday!! Thanks for linking up.

  3. Love the light scope picture and the kisses ;0)

  4. HAPPY HAPPY 29th Birthday!!! I am thinking of staying around 27. :)

    Congrats on the new lens and the light scoop! So fun to get new toys.

  5. Your pictures are beautiful... thanks for sharing! I especially love the one you took at night :)

  6. I'm smiling about your "29" birthday, my mom always said that to us and now I tell my kids that, so funny we are. Happy Birthday Susan, you look wonderful in these pictures. Love the bday collage one. It's always nice to go out with friends. Happy new camera lens, you are having fun and doing great with it. Your first photo of your granddaughter, did she get a haircut or is it just me. She looks older too, or is it just me. Ok well have another wonderful week.

  7. Susan, thanks for stopping by my blog. To answer your question, my camera is a Nikon D3000. You are so kind with your words. Thank you for the compliment. Let me say, I love your pictures also! I LOVE the one of your husband and the cat. There is something so 3-D about it. I am going to have to look into if I can get one of those for my Nikon. Nighttime shots are so tricky and this looks fantastic!!! Have a great week.

  8. I love my lightscoop - helps so much in the evening. Hope you love the new lens too.... the last shot with is sweet!

    Happy Birthday!

  9. I've never seen the lightscoop before and I'm intrigued! Thanks for the info! Love your photos; especially the kisses photo with your new lens :)

  10. Happy belated Birthday Susan...YOU make 29 look SO good...I LOVE the picture of you and Jordan (in particular)- so much LOVE in that hug...And, the pictures of your grandchildren continue to capture their beauty through your talented eyes of love....Keep celebrating and sharing...XXOO-Love, Randy

  11. What a great week of photos - Have FUN with your new lens!!!! :D

  12. Great shots. Happy birthday. Love the last shot with your new lens.

  13. Yay for the new lens :). And Happy Birthday.

  14. Yay for a new lens and a light scoop! You've got me interested in the light scoop now.. that pic of your hubby is awesome! :)

  15. Susan, I enjoyed looking at your photos this post! Nice lens--for portraits? I'm sure you'll have fun with it. And I know you'll just love macro--I've got a 100mm f/2.8 macro lens (more expensive than a filter, I imagine!) and I've used it tons this winter.

    Happy 29th birthday!


  16. Looks like a great birthday week. I love the shot of your husband and cat.

  17. Susan, I LOVE your photos! Man, you are AWESOME at this photography stuff. Maybe this is a good excuse to get together?? Perhaps we could meet up and you could teach me a few things. (Or A MILLION.. HEHEHE)

    I've missed blogging with you and hope to get back in the game next week. (Possibly?) Until then, I'll try to do better about following you here. I love and MISS you like CRAZY!

  18. The color in the kisses is really nice. And you'll love your new lens!

  19. A fun week filled with celebrations! If you had your names rearranged on the cake it could read Peggy Sue... well... Susan would have to be shortened too... =) (sorry can't help myself!) I love your kiss shot too... the reflections are cool...

    oh... and Happy Birthday!

  20. Happy Birthday! You did such a great job decorating.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!