
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Macro Friday and A Few of my Favorite Things!





Do you have a special friend you can share your passion for photography with?  Well, I sure do, and I’m so blessed.  Debra is my wonderful neighbor who also recently started blogging.  Gosh, she took off so fast that I can hardly keep up with her.  You can visit her over here, and see some of her awesome pictures. 

Deb brought over some neat filters for my camera this evening, and now I’m able to do some macro photography.

Here is my first try at it.  I think I’m going to have lots of fun, once I really get the hang of it. 

Thanks Debra, you are one in a million!







I took a tiny flower and place it on my strawberry plant to add some color.


Favorite things


I also decided to join this new meme.  It’s called “A few of my favorite things”.

While celebrating Valentine’s this week,  I was able to capture some of my favorite things.

The first is roses.  Awww, they are just so pretty.  This is one from a dozen my husband gave me.



Then these conversation hearts.  Oh my, I think I’m addicted.  I know they don’t really taste like much, but once I start eating them it’s just so hard to make myself stop.




And finally, this box of delicious candy.  My husband knows how much I love chocolate with nuts.  So he ordered these chocolates from Sees Candy in California.  Oh my…they are heavenly.  Just what I needed…more sugar.   Thanks Honey, you are the best!




  1. I love your macros --really great shots! :) It's wonderful to have friends who share your love of photography. I love talking with my SIL (she's a professional photographer), but she's halfway across the globe, so you can imagine our phone bills! =)

  2. These are all so fantastic! I'm so glad you can do macro shots now! It's hard to pick a favorite because they really are all so good, but I think I'll choose the conversation hearts. Your photo is better than the ones I took with my fancy macro lens! So glad you are joining in the new link ups today!

  3. Those are beautifully done with a filter. Thanks for sharing. xxx

  4. Thanks so much for linking up! Gorgeous macro shots! I hope to see you around next week, too. :)

  5. Those are some of my favorites, too! :)

    Your macro is really beautiful. LOVE the bokeh.

  6. Beautiful macros! What type of filters are you using? I cannot wait to have a true macro lens. :)

  7. Your macro shots are great. I love the drop of water on the strawberry leave.

    And that rose. Oh my. How pretty!

  8. Great series of photos. Your macros shots have such clarity and contrast. They jump out of the screen at you!

  9. All great! photography is addictive, for sure! Have fun!
    Thanks for the visit!

  10. I really love your macros you did a wonderful job!

  11. Wonderful photos. It is fun isn't it. Those chocolates looked so yummy.

  12. Beautiful! Love the pink flower agains the green leaves. Very nice!

  13. Ohhhh these are beautiful! Amazing macro shots! I love the Valentine candy hearts =) xo

  14. I'm right there with you on those favorite things- love them all & your macro shot is gorgeous!

  15. I love your first macro shot - so crisp and clean!

  16. Fanastic shots - I would love to be able to tap into someone elses experience and get tips and get to use some of their lenses before I would buy my own..... so far I've found no one.

    I had to laugh when I saw your comment - I wondered if someone would say that - I've been happily married nearly 25 years - it's one of my children getting married.

    Have a Blessed weekend

  17. Oh my word Susan! I am in LOVE with your water droplets on the leaf. WOW! Just wow. Stunning as can be! I love those shots!

    And the candy hearts. Aren't they the cutest? I kept meaning to shoot some of them all valentines day season. Guess what I just found in Kaishon's candy stash? A pile of them! Totally on my list of things to do this weekend!

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Thank you so much for being such a great friend and commenter. Off to check out your neighbor this instant! Love, Becky

  18. Gorgeous photos! That was a great idea with the flower on the strawberry provides for a lovely photo.

  19. Awesome macros!
    I love conversation hearts too! :)

  20. oh wow! awesome macro photos....I love these shots....thanks for sharing and thanks for stopping by...:)

  21. Your photography just gets better and better and better!!! Love it!

  22. Love your macros this week. I can't help but wish for flowers and green strawberry plants. It is still winter here with snow coming tonight and tomorrow. Love the color and the detail in your shots.

  23. These are awesome. Wonderful job! I love them.

  24. These are great photos - I love the water droplets on the leaf.

  25. Amazing photos! What type of filter did you use?

  26. Love the clarity in the macro shots those chocolates look dreamy to eat.Thanks for stopping by.

  27. Know that I'm always here praying!
    Psalms 116:6-7 The LORD preserveth the simple: I was brought low, and he helped me. Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the LORD hath dealt bountifully with thee.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  28. Beautiful macro photos! The colors are just outstanding!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!