
Monday, February 21, 2011

Project 365-My week in Pictures












What a wonderful way to start the week with Valentine’s Day!  Enjoyed a  romantic night out with the man of my dreams.   34 years of living and loving together.  I’m so grateful for you sweetie♥




Decided to make an angel food cake again.  During the holidays I made so many I got burnt out.  Talk about a yummy light dessert.  It just hit the spot.




Popsy and Kayla were watching the new Disney Video we recently got in the mail.  We’ll be going to Disney World during the Mardi Gras break this year.  The grandkids are just thrilled.  And so are we!




Went on a walk in the neighborhood, and stopped to take a picture of these beautiful pansies that are planted by the entrance.  God’s handiwork can be found in every direction you turn.




Awww, my little sweet-heart Karli smiling for her  Grammy!  I look forward to every visit.  That smile just lights up a room.




Took the kids shopping and was so excited to find some new shoes for Cole.  He loved them so much he did not want to take them off.  Doesn’t take much to make him happy.




My sweet little Karli slept over all by herself for the first time.  She’s really growing up.  We had the best time together.  We drew lots of pictures, read, played games and she took a really long bath before we snuggled together in bed.  My sleeping beauty.


  1. Always praying!
    John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  2. That cake shot is AWESOME! Love the last one too.

  3. oh goodness, Susan! These pictures are beautiful. I especially love the one with Popsy and the last one where she's sleeping. What a beautiful angel!

  4. Oh, my you have beautiful grandchildren! I have a few years to wait for them--yeah, first one of my sons needs to get married lol! Soon enough, though.

    It's so nice to see people still in love after 30+ years of marriage. :)


  5. These are great. Love the last one! So precious!That cake looks yummy!!

  6. Great photos this week! I love his new shoes. Mason always loved getting new shoes when he was little. He would want to sleep with them. And now he still loves shoes!

  7. Susan,

    You have such kind words for me every single week, and I zoom over here and I fall in love with all of your shots! You are so gifted yourself. These shots are so sweet, sharp, perfect, what a way to capture life!

    Psalm 1:3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

    I will be back next week to enjoy yet more of your life. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Your Valentine collage is so sweet and fun. The angel food cake looks yummy. The littlest shoes are sooo cute. So happy you get to spend so much time with your grandkids. Love seeing your flowers/ warm weather pictures, we just got snow again. Have another good week.

  9. Love your Valentine collage! Your grandchildren are beautiful!

  10. Pansies - my mom talks of growing pansies where she lived as a child. I wish I could successfully grow anything! Thanks for sharing.

  11. Happy Project Life Tuesday! What a fun valentine you have and yummy cake :)

  12. Love them all. I never made my own Angel food Cake. Is it hard?

    And sandals..... we got 6 inches of snow yesterday!

  13. great pictures that cake looked yummy and those sandals are too cute

  14. visiting the link late... What a great week you had! that cake looks amazing!! yum!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!