
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Disney 2011






Just got back from one incredible week at Disney World.  Here are some highlights of the memoires we’ll cherish for years to come!




We flew to Disney with my son Jordan and my two oldest grands.  The girls were so excited, and so were we.  My son and daughter in love drove down the day before.




Can you see how excited we were about going to visit Mickey?




Getting our gear ready for some great memories.  Yep, my grands also love taking pictures just like their Grammy. 



We were so blessed to be able to stay on the Disney grounds at this amazing resort reserved for the military and their families.  The rooms were huge and the grounds were gorgeous.




On our first night out we went to Downtown Disney for dinner.  We were all tired but very excited to finally be there!




Just seeing this sign at the entrance to the Magic Kingdom stirs so many wonderful emotions and memories of times now past! 




The spring weather was just gorgeous!   Flowers everywhere. 




The autograph books were always out, and we had a mission to get all the characters to sign them.  The kids took this very serious!  Even Cole got into the act at only 2 years old!  Don’t ever say you can’t learn from your older sisters.




Oh my…it was so much fun to see how thrilled the children were!  Their bright eyes and million dollar smiles told the whole story.




Well, it was love at first sight for Cole and Minnie at the Animal Kingdom!




One of our favorite shows was The Lion King in Animal Kingdom.  We got front row seats in a packed auditorium, and the children were called up to participate in the grand finale with the Disney actors. 




No one was shy about this chance for instant stardom!  They just stole the show, well,  at least in Grammy’s eyes…!  I hope the agents we watching.




The girls also got picked to play a part in another play in the Magic Kingdom at the Pirates of the Caribbean.  Here is Grace learning her swordsmanship skills with Jack Sparrow the Pirate. 




At the end of the play they were all awarded honorary Pirates’ certificates!  In the future, I’m sure this will look real good on the resumes.




Jason and Kristin stopping for a quick shot, they sure stayed busy keeping up with the kids…but always made time for lots of hugs!




I’m sure glad Kayla found Nemo!  It really had us upset when we found out he was missing!




We had a free day so Jason and Kristin took the kids to Sea World.  I shot this just before they left the hotel lobby.  They had a wonderful day with Shamu and all the dolphins!




The next morning we had reservations with Chef Mickey and all of the characters for breakfast.  The kids could hardly eat as they waited for their turn to visit with their Disney friends.




Yep, more autographs and a personal visit from the Chef himself!




I sat out with the two youngest at Base Camp, while the rest of the gang went on to the summit at Mt. Everest.  I was glad they all made it back safe and sound.



We had some really late nights, but the girls still managed to play before they went to bed.  Yes, as you can see, I love to dress them alike, all of the time!  It’s one of Grammy’s favorite hobbies.




This was taken inside the castle at the Magic Kingdom.  The girls were doing a dance for me.  I guess they were practicing for the Ball and Prince Charming!



We were so excited to meet up my beautiful niece, Jennifer and her son Mason, while we were there.




Jordan and I visiting Japan while at Epcot.  What a beautiful day it was!  Who could have imagined that the very next day there would be a devastating earthquake and tsunami.




I loved this one of Karli.   She is so precious when she laughs!




While in Epcot at the American pavilion, we took the kids to an incredible show about the history of our great nation.  They really enjoyed learning so many neat things.




And you can’t leave Disney without spending time with all the beautiful princesses!


It wouldn’t be a trip to Disney without trying on all the funny hats.  Here are a few of my favorites.



































We  made so many beautiful memories, and are so grateful for the time we had with our family.  Already looking forward to our next trip!+





And finally at the airport heading back to Home Sweet Home!

Thought I’d  join Sweet Shot Tuesday as well!


  1. Wow!! How fun! Great photos! Looks like a wonderful week. Thanks for linking up!

  2. Fabulous shots and great memories.

  3. Wow! That looks like the perfect disney trip! It brings back great memories of taking my boys there when they were little. Your photos are fabulous! You did an awesome job of documenting a wonderful trip!

  4. It looks like good times were had by all!

  5. Looks like you absolutely created some magical memories this week!

  6. Those are some Fantastic photos! Looks like you all had a great time at the Happiest Place on Earth!

  7. Wow, what a super fun trip! I'm sure this is one trip the kids will talk about for ages. :)

    (LOL, I love that you dress the girls in similar outfits!)

  8. Just looking at these makes me want to go back ASAP, it was 4 years ago since the last trip. It really is a magical place, we would gladly live there and play everyday. Great photos and family fun. Love their cute outfits and how they all match. We filled up their autograph books too, the one person Sam wanted to meet the most was Buzz Lightyear and we kept missing him or being in the wrong place. Finally we found him on the last day right before he was leaving and Sam was so surprised to meet him and overjoyed. He also made quite an impression on the princess and was so red faced and shy when meeting them, they gave him kisses on his cheek, too cute!! Glad you all got to go and have a wonderful break.

  9. Susan....girl! I LOVE these!!! They brought back those special memories of when we went and took the boys! Oh, the fun we had! Thank you for sharing the pics! My fav is of Rick and your son in the pirate hats!!!!

  10. I'm not sure where you live but you picked the very best time to visit Florida. Springtime here is the best!! Looks like you had a blast at Disney. Glad you could enjoy some family time at the most magical place on earth!

  11. Your Grands are so beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

  12. Hi, Susan, I was visiting Mommytography blogs and stopped by--I enjoyed seeing all the photos of your trip with the grands. It looks like you had lots of fun and made some great memories!


  13. Thank you for the kind comment on my blog! What a fantastic vacation you had! Can't wait to take my own kids one day :-) And I have to say those 4 kids must be the best dressed children I've ever seen!! One beautiful outfit after another!!

  14. Beautiful family. Beautiful pics. It looks like you had a great time together! Makes me want to get to Disney with my family.

    I heart all their outfits.

    p.s. LOVE that the girls call you Grammy - we call my mom Grammy, too! :)

    Have a great week!

  15. Looks like tons of fun memories were made.

  16. How was shades of green? We are military and thinking about visiting this summer when my husband returns from deployment. Your pictures were precious. It looks like ya'll had a wonderful time!


  17. What a special trip, your pictures caught all the love and excitement, perfect! I can't wait until the girls are a little older so they can have their "Disney" experience.


  18. How fun! You captured so many great memories.

  19. This brings back a lot of memories :) Looks like you had a great time with your family. Love all the hats!

  20. Great Pictures! THanks for your sweet comment today. Beautiful grandkids you have!

  21. Always a magical place! The grand dame of theme parks can give you neck ache and shutter sprain; did you check how many shots you took? Might have been thousands...

  22. Susan, your pictures are FAB! It looks like you all had a BLAST. The girls were beautiful, and that Cole is just PRECIOUS! I cannot believe how GOOD he was in all those pics. If that had been our boys at those ages, SOMEONE would've been crying or making a sulky face. LOL!! I also LOVED the couple pics. Jason & Kristin are so beautiful together. I loved the one of you with Rick too! Of course, it's always a blessing to see Jordan's SMILE! I love and miss you all so much! I hope we get to see you this summer. Love YOU!! :)

  23. Oh that trip looks divine! I hope one day to visit.


  24. oh my goodness! I can't wait to take our daughter - and I thought I would never want to go there! Ha Ha

  25. Oh Susan, I loved seeing all these sweet shots and reading about your fun family memories. What a delightful trip full of so many fun activities for grandparents, parents, and grandchildren! And how cute your family is! You are SUCH a good photographer! Wonderful! :)

  26. Such fantastic photos!!! I used a Nikon D3000 and my photos never look as crisp as yours do. What kind of camera do you use? You have such talent Susan! Looking forward to next weeks shots.

  27. Looks like a wonderful time was had by all! Thanks for your visit :-).

  28. And THAT would be why you were so quiet over here! Definitely tons of amazing memories!
    The Lord understands your pain! Praying!
    Isaiah 53:1-3: Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed? For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  29. My goodness, that looks like a lot of fun. Great shots of all your gorgeous grandchildren.

    Erika B

  30. Beautiful, beautiful photos. What a great trip!

  31. Oh WOW - what fun! You've got me all in the mood now, because we're leaving Saturday for Disney - yay! I was totally checking out what you all were wearing (I'm supposed to be packing as we speak), and I noticed some jackets. OK, I'll throw a few in and maybe some long pants too. Looks like you had a wonderful time! :-)

  32. Susan! I am just thrilled to pieces that you could go on this special trip with your family! I can feel how much you love them in every single shot. SO beautiful!

    It looks like you had the most PERFECT time. The kdis look delighted in every picture. And the matching outfits...what could be better than that? They look awesome.

    I am so glad you got this special trip together with the ones you love the best.

  33. What a wonderful trip!! We have not taken our kiddos yet... (we took in Hawaii first as a family... we love the beach!) he he... I LOVE all the matching outfits on the girls... and how wonderful they got to be in the end of the show... cute!! and um... I Love Pirates... so that was my favorite one!! he really looks like Johnny Depp! =)

  34. Hi - thanks for including "us" in your Disney adventure cyberly. Wow - ALL of your beautiful faces were filled with Disney MAGIC. So glad that a wonderufl time was most obviously had by ALL! XXOO-Love, Randy

  35. Precious! My family went to Disney World with my grandparents many, many years ago. Wonderful memories!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!