
Monday, March 21, 2011

Project 365-My Week in Pictures









The first thing I noticed when we returned home from our  vacation was the grass was finally coming back to life.   Oh how exciting after such a long cold winter.  After pulling out all the weeds my “green thumb” hubby was spraying some weed killer to keep the enemy at bay.



Now, not only is my hubby a hard working man, but he’s sometimes a little romantic as well.  While picking up a few things I needed at the store, look what he surprised me with?  What a gorgeous bunch of roses.  Could not decide which color was my favorite.  Thanks honey♥



Before we finally put up our suitcases from the trip, Caesar found a new little niche to call his own.  Cats are so strange!



I recently started a photography class on Thursday nights.  It’s been a blast.   On the way to my car, I noticed they were having an outdoor concert in the plaza near the studio.  It was such a beautiful night, so I stopped and took a couple of shots.  Next week I may sit and enjoy some music.




One of my all time favorite plants is the Bridal Wreath.  We finally planted some bushes last year, and I was thrilled to see it in full blossom this spring. 



Oh, it was so good seeing my grandbabies after a long week.  I got  spoiled being with them all day long in Disney.  Now, look at that smile.   It melts my heart every time.



This picture is such a treasure to me.  Cole and Karli have the typical brother and sister relationship.   Lots of mothering on her part, even though Cole can get a little weary of all that devotion.  So, to get them together like this was just priceless.  They really do adore each other, but just need some space at times!


Thanks so much for dropping by today!


Thought I’d like up here as well since all these things make me very happy!


Weeks of happiness


  1. Great photos this week. Your yard looks sooo nice. Mine is full of weeds. Caesar is so cute in the suitcase. Have a wonderful week and thanks for linking up!

  2. Glad you're back and posting again!
    Always here praying!
    Hebrews 13:20-21 Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  3. great pictures. love the flower pictures

  4. Looks like a great week. I love all your shots. Our cat loves to get in our suitcases when we're packing and unpacking.

  5. Great week of photos. I think the cat is my favorite.

  6. I love your photos this week. I especially adore the shots of the flowers. Have a great week!

  7. I love seeing all the pretty flowers you have for the week. How nice to see green grass and shorts. Our weather is finally getting nice. Sweet grandkids photos too. Have a wonderful week.

  8. What beautiful pictures! Love the one of your cat. My cat used to do that too.

  9. Beautiful photos. The photo of the kids is just precious.

  10. Pretty flowers and love the last 2 shots...gorgeous portraits!

  11. love your photos. i'm not much of a cat lover {sorry} but the one of caesar was PRICELESS!! i want to take a photog class, too, but it's going to be a while yet.
    love your blog… it's adorable!

  12. Oh I love your pictures! Your grandkids are adorable.


  13. Visiting from the Happiness Project...great to have posted a photo for each day. I wouldn't have been able to choose from those...all just a fabulous as the next!

  14. I love your photos... your kids are so beautiful :)

  15. These are great. I love your kitty and your Saturday photo!

  16. Cute grandkids!

    Love all the colors in your roses, too.


  17. Lovely shots - never heard of the bridal wreath - so pretty!

  18. Pure joy in their faces = love!

    Enjoyed looking at your pics this week. You have an eye for photography and your pics turn out great. Have a great week!

  19. That last one especially just warms my heart! Beautiful!

  20. Fantastic photos! the flowers are beautiful and your husband is so sweet to have gotten them for you.

  21. Hi, Susan, I love all your shots. You have beautiful grandchildren! I would wear myself out taking pictures of them; they're so cute! I hope you learn lots in your class; it's a great way to get to know your camera and what you're doing with it (I speak from experience--or lack thereof!).


  22. The flower photos are smiling kids are great!

  23. One photo was better than the next, all just perfect. The kids are always lovely because you take great portraits, but I do really like Thursday:) Thanks for you kind words and the visit.


  24. What a fun week and what great pictures!! So cute!

  25. Thank you for dropping by my blog and leaving your kind comment. I am excited about my camera and I am looking into some photography classes so that I can really use my camera well! You have absolutely beautiful grandchildren!
    Have a lovely week!

  26. Great week of shots! Your grands are all so photogenic!

    What Photog class are you taking?

  27. Beautiful pictures! I spent way too much time this morning poking around your blog--thank you! Your grand children are so beautiful--and you actually made me want to visit Disney again...I am in the north; so--no spring here yet...

  28. Stopping by to let you know I'm still praying!
    Psalms 55:16-18 As for me, I will call upon God; and the LORD shall save me. Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice. He hath delivered my soul in peace from the battle that was against me: for there were many with me.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  29. So much love in every single photo... the last one is a gem for all time!

  30. Hi precious friend,

    Your grandbabies are adorable and as a sister of three brothers I understand the doting over them. Although one is older than me but he still wants me to love all over him :)

    Love the roses and flowers. Never heard of the bridal wreath. Gorgeous.

    Hubby doing the yard looks like my hubby doing the yard :)

    Enjoy your photography class and the music!!! As for that precious cat, strange is a good word to describe them at times. We had 'mommy' for years but she is now in heaven. She loved hanging out under the Christmas Tree every year. One year when we began opening gifts she leaped out and scared us all we almost knocked the tree over :)

    Love you and thank you for your prayers and warm words of encouragement and love on my blog!

  31. Teresa Messina DornakMarch 26, 2011 at 12:43 PM

    Loved looking at all your wonderful vacation pics and the beautiful outside greenery as well. Thank you for the kind words on my Caring Bridge page. Yes, I have joined a club that unfortunately I NEVER wanted to be a part of. I had no risk factors or family history of any type of female cancer so I was more than shocked when 2 small tumors were found in my breast on my yearly mammogram. There are so many types of breast cancer and unfortunately mine is Grade 3 which is the most aggressive form. Luckily it was caught early and I am Stage 1. I am currently in chemo and expect surgery for a double mastectomy in July. I am so glad that your son is a cancer survivor - God is so Good and he will heal - in his time. Sending prayers that your entire family continue with blessed hope, love, health and happiness!

  32. Always a comfort being reminded that the Holy Spirit Himself is praying for you!
    Romans 8:26-27 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  33. Your photos are incredible! I have a desire to increase my picture taking possiblities. You inspire me both spiritually and creatively. I have dreamed of creating a blog and God helped me make it happen and I am having so much fun!! Still learning,though.
    Happy Sunday to you.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!