
Saturday, April 19, 2008

Then Sings My Soul Saturday

"A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold." Proverbs 22:1

One of my greatest desires is to leave a legacy that will reflect my passion for Jesus. Helen Keller wrote:

"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved."

Hope you enjoy this oldie but goodie! Be blessed and thanks for stopping by today.

(Please remember to mute my music first!!)

To join others hop on over to Signs Miracles and Wonders!


  1. I really like this song but hadn't seen the video before. Oh to leave a legacy that the Father will say "well done!"

  2. Neat video. Nichole Nordeman is a fav! She has a mother's heart, and SO DO YOU! Fear not, your legacy is huge... with five boys, you're destined to multiply your legacy over and over and over (and over and over).

    Have a blessed (and worshipful) Saturday.

    Hugs, e-Mom

  3. What a neat video! I loved the Helen Keller quote. Thanks so much for all of your kind comments on Thursday. What a blessing you are to so many.

  4. Thank you for that song. I SO want to leave a legacy and right now I feel useless. I'm praying God will show Himself to me. In all we do can leave a legacy.

    I've got your boys on my calendar for next week.

    Praying in MI,

  5. Oh what a great song and an awesome video to go along with it!! The world teaches such an opposing message. I want to leave the kind of legacy that points to Jesus. Thank you Susan for this bit of sunshine in my day!!!


    I saw on another post that you are headed to St. Jude's. Please let me know how I can be praying for you and your family.

  6. Oh girl, I am ALWAYS up for some Nichole!!!! This is one of her best!

  7. I pray that the legacy I leave behind is one full of passion and love for my Savior.

    Thanks for stopping by today. Hope to talk with you again soon.


  8. Hey, my Sweet Friend!

    I know you're getting ready to head out... I just wanted to remind you again that we're keeping your boys COVERED in prayer. Of course as a mom that's "been there" I'm praying EXTRA HARD for YOU and Rick too!

    Please update as soon as you get back????


  9. Susan,
    I have heard this song many, many times before, but have never paid attention to the true meaning of the song. Your legacy, to me, is a woman of great encouragement. That is what you have been to me in the short time that I have known you and I don't think that I am the only one that recognizes that about you!

    Praying for your family this week and looking forward to a joyful update when you return!

  10. What a wonderful message. You got me thinking about the kind of legacy that I would want to leave. Raising these kids is what I'm concentrating on now. I really want my 5 kids to grow up to have a passion to serve the Lord. I want to encourage others to serve Him and to witness for Him, also.

  11. Hey Thanks for the comment! I really like the song you chose too. For God to say well done is really awesome. Have a great day! Katie

  12. Hey there...just checking in to say hello!!


  13. Hey Susan,

    I wanted to come over and let you know I've Tagged You with a fun MEME over at my blog. So please stop by, check it out and pass it on. BTW, Tag, You're IT!



Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!