
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Still Crazy After All These Years!

Thirty years ago today, my husband Rick and I stood before God and a crowd of witnesses as we shared vows to live together…

In sickness or in health,
For richer or poorer,
In strength or in weakness
In Good times and in misfortune
Until death we do part.

And thankfully today we can still stand and say we have honored those vows, and have remained faithful to them. I'm so grateful for that blessed day which now seems like yesterday in so many ways. I'm more crazy in love with you today Rick, then I was when we first took those vows. I am looking forward to the years that still lay ahead.

The symbol used for a 30th anniversary is a pearl or a diamond. Both very rare and highly valued. A marriage designed and empowered by God is also something very and rare and of great worth. I’m so privileged to know that God has allowed me to share my life with such a wonderful and godly man.

Thank you Rick for being so much more then I could have ever imagined. Please hurry home; I'm really missing you!!

If any of you reading this have not seen our 25th Anniversary Celebration video, please stop by today. We'd love for you to take a glimpse at some of the highlights of that wonderful night.

Thanks sweetie, I just received these beautiful roses!! I Love you♥


  1. Oh Susan,

    My heart hurts for you today as you celebrate your 30th anniversary apart from your man.

    But I rejoice in your blessing and praise God for the institution of marriage. You show us all how wonderful it can be.

    Hang in there, friend.

    Praying for you,

  2. Happy Anniversary to you BOTH!! Hope your time in Charleston was as magical as ours... and I hope I'm still as crazy about my man 20 years from now, as I am today!! You guys are SUCH an inspiration!!!

  3. Congratulations Susan!

    I have loved reading the posts on how you met and married your hubby. I also enjoyed the anniversary video when you posted it. I know it must be hard to be apart on this day but you know what they say, "absence makes the heart grow even fonder!" What a beautiful reunion it will be when he returns! You are both truly blessed. Enjoy your day and week my friend!

    Love and Prayers,

  4. Happy happy happy! Thirty times over. What a blessing. The first song playing on your blog is SCC's great love song.

  5. Happy Anniversary! I am a newcomer to your blog and I really enjoyed it. Found it through the Perch.
    God bless you!!

  6. I remember that day...I was there...Happy 30th Anniversary Susan and Rick

    Be Blessed


  7. Happy anniversary Susan and Rick! Here's to many more "crazy in love" years ahead together. (((Hugs0))

  8. Oh Susan~
    Happy, Happy, Happy 30th Anniversary my friend.

    God is truly rejoicing, in your committment to your marriage. What a testimony to the world.

    Have an amazing day my friend.


  9. Happy Anniversary my friend! How hard it must be not having your beloved there with you. 30 years -- what an inspiration! I did watch your sweet video of the 25th year anniversary...beautiful. May God continue to bless the two of you with many more years of love, joy, health & happiness!


    P.S. So excited to read you are doing "Breaking Free!" No, I haven't done that one either, but it's on my list! I've heard GREAT things about it. No doubt it will be a blessing.

  10. I can hear your "miss" in your words. Here's hoping for a reunion soon.

    Off the topic, but has anyone ever told you that you look like Marie Osmond? Maybe a little?

    Thanks for your tender comments on my blog posting. You are living a rich and honest existence that is blooming seeds all across the world (literally with your children abroad).

    May this "fall" hold for us all a new chapter of living that reads as a best seller. I'm looking forward to having some time alone and have absolutely no idea where I'm headed.

    Good thing God does.


  11. Happy Anniversary!

    What a beautiful couple!

    May the next 30 be even more wonderful ;)

  12. You guys look great. Congratulations! That is so awesome!

  13. Happy Anniversary! This is my first time to visit your blog but I have thoroughly enjoyed reading several of your posts.

    I can SO identify with your comments regarding being a grandmother. It is indeed a GRAND thing and I, too, love it!

    May God bless you with many more happy years with your hubby. And may I look too young to have been married 30 years and have 5 children!

    Marilyn in Mississippi

  14. Happy 30th Anniversary, Susan.
    Loved seeing you two.

    Loved the symbol for 3o years. And I remember watching your 25th video, it made me cry. Precious and beautiful!

    Have a great week!

  15. Happy Annivesary to Susan and Rick!
    May you have many more happy, happy days together.

    Love and Hugs!

  16. Happy Anniversary!

    Well, at least one man in your life (precious Jordan) was home to shower you with some love and company. =)
    I hope y'all had a great day together.

    Love, Kristin

  17. Susan...
    Happy Anniversary! and I hope that in addition to those beautiful roses (by the way yellow are my favorite...anybody can get red ones!) that a diamond or a pearl will be in a small package later for you. But if not thats all right because it looks to me like your sweetie already has a gem to be proud of ...YOU. I know that being apart on this special day is difficult but the treasure is in the love that you have for each other. Many more happy times are coming your way...Blessings, Laurie

  18. Congratulations to you both! You are a beautiful looking couple and family. God bless you.

  19. Aww, what a blessing, to be married to the man you love for thirty years. It's a rare treasure from the Lord in the day and age we find ourselves. Happy Anniversary and may you see many more happy years together.

  20. HAPPY ANNVERSARY SUSAN!!!to you both though I remember you already celebrated, I'm sorry he's not home for your actual day! Congrats!

    Many, many more filled with God's LOVE & Presence!

    Come over to my place tomorrow for a SPECIAL surprise for you!

    Rejoicing in your 30 years & praising God for the wonderful way
    HE united you in marriage!

  21. Happy Anniversary and I'm so sorry to hear that it was apart from your dear beloved.

    God bless you dear Sister.

  22. Susan,

    Happy Anniversary to you from your most avid fan!

    I hope the flowers were as much a surprise to you as it was for me to see them posted on your blog tonight! I only wish I was there with them to to give you a big hug and a kiss, rather than 1,000 miles away up here in Iowa.

    But like one of your buddies said, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." Well, all I can say is after all this time away, we are going to have to do a lot of catching up!

    It's late and I'm still working at the plant, so let me go by just saying..."I love you", and really that says it all.


    P.S. - I think I'm good for 30 more, how about you?

  23. WOW! Thirty years....what a GIFT!
    You know that it's GOD that glues it all together...

    I know it's a bummer to be apart, we've been there too...
    You know you really are an inspiration to those of us a few years hear how you have maintained the "LOVE" is just so WONDERFUL to hear!! So many times I hear the opposite...and that's just sad...

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY....crazy in love...I LOVE that!!

    through ups, downs, joys and have someone you can "be sure of" ...what a way to journey through life!!

    hugs to you!!
    love you!

  24. Hey, Susan! Happy "day after your" Anniversary, my friend!! I just read your precious husbands' comment, and there are tears in my eyes!! Oh, how sweet! I hope that y'all have many more.
    Love ya,

  25. Ohhhh Susan...I just read your hubby's words!!!!! Making up...
    better be ready!

    By the way Rick, Happy Anniversary and Absence does NOT make the heart grow fonder...just get done and get home! I know...I've been in Mexico and back & forth since 96and my hubby says Stay away...(lol)

    You & Susan have something only God ordains and keeps kindled & rekindled by your efforts...go for 30 both deserve it!!!

    God BLESS!

    Stop by and visit with me this week... there will be something special waiting for you. Ya know this right??? just busy with WFW


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!