
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Putting it in Words

As always, I look forward to this wonderful day of the week we have all set aside to declare how wonderful and faithful our God is!

This Thursday I’d like to give thanks for:

♥ My son’s trip to Arizona. He’s been looking forward to this for some time now, and he safely arrived yesterday afternoon. I love you Jordan.

♥The wonderful opportunity I had to attend the Beth Moore live simulcast conference this past Friday and Saturday. As always Beth delivered a very passionate word, and my life was challenged once more. If you would like to read the highlights of this event, Tracy at My Cup Runneth Over did an excellent job sharing her notes with everyone. Check it out; you will be glad you did.

♥I am grateful for a wonderful summer and now for the beginning of my “baby’s” senior year in High School! Where has the time gone?

♥I already thanking God for my 4th grandchild (a boy this time) who we will get to meet on September 16th, 2008. (Please agree with me for an uneventful delivery and for mom to have a speedy recuperation.)

♥For all of my wonderful blogging buddies that God has so richly blessed me with. This week I’ve had the opportunity to get to know some of them even more. Oh, it’s been so wonderful getting to discover how special these women truly are, and what an impact they are having on my life!

♥Finally, I’m thankful for cell-phones, text messaging and emails. These are my only three links to my sweet hubby who is far away in Iowa for his job. I miss him like crazy and it hasn’t even been one week. Praise God for these wonderful means of communication! I'm sending lots of love your way Rick, ♥ please hurry home!

Join us over at Iris’ Sting My Heart to see what other grateful hearts are thanking God for this week.


  1. Such a sweet thankful heart you have, bless you.

  2. You have a nice thankful post. I am with you, we need to enjoy our times of thankfulness. I love Thankful Thursday's! Happy TT to you. God Bless~

  3. Bless you Susan and I thank God for you and how you are such a blessing and enrich my life in how you declare your thankfulness and love for God, family and especially hubby! I'm sorry that he's still gone! Praying that he completes this job soon and returns
    perhaps for the real anniversary!
    (fingers crossed):)I am so glad that you were blessed again by a Women's Conference!!! May the Lord protect your son on his trip and bring him back safely soon also!
    May your arrival of your new grandson be uneventful and speedy recuperation for mom and all!
    May your baby enjoy this senior year and the Lord help you to adjust to all this brings!!! I
    am so thankful for you being my blogging sista and that you now met some in the flesh...WOW!!!
    Blessings surround you and flow!

  4. congratulations for having a new grandchild. God bless you more.

  5. Susan,

    It won't be long before that little boy will be here. Will agree with you for no complications and fast recovery for Mom. And, will pray that Rick will be home very soon!

    What a truly great list!

    Have a great Thursday!

  6. GREAT POST as always Sweet Susan!! I was worshiping with you in SC this past weekend. I was able to attend the Beth Moore Simulcast at Mama's church. It was SUCH A BLESSING...
    as are you!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!! XXOOXX

  7. What a list! Babies on the way...babies growing up.....and buddies...
    I hate that the man is gone....I HATE when mine is away...and IOWA...that's just too far!

    You know I'm blessed have found a buddy like you!
    I like the deal by the come cook, I'll show you everything I know about making pics and it should take about an afternoon...then I'll send you home to the fam!:)


  8. Hey, Susan!
    I love to read how God has blessed others! Thanks for sharing the things that you are thankful for!

    School starts in 2 weeks here, and I am not ready for either of my "babies" to go back! On will be in the 10th grade and the other in the 7th. They grow up too fast! But, oh, how fun to watch them grow--phycially and spiritually!

    Love you!

  9. Such a lovely, thankful post! May God bless you in all you do!

  10. Susan, I didn't get to go to the simulcast but I'm counting the days until Living Proof Siesta Fiesta in a few weeks. I'm praying that God will continue to perfect and protect this precious baby. You must be getting so excited!

  11. Today is Chinese Valentine's day, so happy Valentine's day to you and your beloved husband.
    May God bless your husband quickly back home with you.

  12. Wow, Susan, great list of thankfulness!!! Where is hubby in Iowa??? I am in Cedar Rapids! Prayers for safe travel going up....

    I missed the BM conference :(
    But, we were camping and having a blast! :)

    Blessings, friend!

  13. What a sweet and uplifting post! I wish wish wish I had been able to connect with a live simulast! I had passed the word to our pastor's and then the Sr. pastor fell and broke his hip---so---everyone has been BUSY around the church!
    I know you will be sooooo glad when Rick comes home! When Jeff has taken missions trips in the past--and CAN'T communicate---I get so on edge---needing to hear his voice! It is good that you have the connections you have!!!
    You are such a blessing Susan!

  14. Hey Sweetie,

    Read your post today and can feel your love and thoughts all the way up here in Cedar Rapids. Hopefully we can get this flooded plant back up and running in the next couple of weeks, and I can get back home. Cell phones and email are great, but they don't make up for not being with you!

    Hugs and kisses on this Thankful Thursday.....Rick

  15. Wow. You are richly blessed!Aand such a thankful heart!

  16. Such a lovely post. Where in AZ? I live in Phoenix. HOT... Thank you Lord for A/C!!! lol... I've been blogging for only a month and I really enjoy getting to know you and my other new friends.
    God Bless,

  17. All very sweet, heartfelt, thank-yous.
    I agree with you about the modern ways of comminicating. I have emailed and chatted with my Honey Bear several times today. I can remember when we didn't talk all day long until he came home in the evening. Now we are so in tune with each other. Before he goes to bed tonight, we'll chat again online.
    Mama Bear

  18. Hi Susan, I am joining you in prayers for your loved ones. May God watch over them and keep each one close to Him. Thank God for blessing you in many ways. I am so thankful for your friendship too. So wonderful that you can get to know some blogging buddies better this week. May God continue to make you a blessing to many and bring many more blessed friendships to you with blogging friends. Take care and God bless you always!

  19. I have been 'separated' from my beloved a couple of time over 25 years - oh the time goes so slow by...The communications we have today are so wonderful to stay in contact with our loved ones...
    Oh - glad your son made it safely to AZ. I do hope that he will be able to stand the awful heat...

    Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us.

    Blessings to you and your precious family.

    PS: I have to check out Tracy's post later tonight - Beth Moore is my favorite Bible teacher.

  20. Hi...feel free to stop by my blog and see the award you received!

    God bless-

  21. Congratulations on the new grandson. I think grandchildren are the best thing God ever invented! ;)

    You're so right about blogging buddies. I was telling a friend of mine the other night that I was sure that God's hand was all over this community.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm glad you enjoyed the video. How nice to meet a friend of PB Wilson. Please let her know that I very much enjoyed her book. (That's why it made my favs list.):D

    Will visit with your again! Blessings -

  22. I have a rising senior also. Only mine is not the baby. There are eleven years between him and her! Eleven. Count them. By the time she graduates, I'll be on my way to the home and in need of hearing aids to hear her name being called at graduation!

    So much to manage in my life right now. I'm thankful for anything that will make my life simpler. Horse and buggy comes to mind.


  23. Oh I loved your Thankful list.
    We have a new grandbaby they are so much fun! We will be praying for them for sure. Keep us posted.
    I am thankful for technology too! I love all the new friends that I am able to meet through this wonderful blogging thing.
    I pray you get to reunite with your husband soon.
    Thanks for sharing.

  24. Praise God...a little boy! How fun and much different than princesses.

    You have such a thankful and beautiful heart Susan.

    Love ya,

  25. God IS indeed good! Congrats on your upcoming grandbaby!

  26. Hi Susan,

    I thank God that He enables us to meet through blogging. I enjoy reading your posts and always encouraged by them. Thanks for visiting me and commenting too.

    Thanks for your Friendship and encouragements. I have two awards to share with you (Share The Love Award and Friendship Award). Do come over when you have time. Take care and God bless you and family always. Blessed weekends!

    With appreciation and prayers,

  27. Susan, what a wonderful thankful list! I love the quote at the beginning, how important it is to write down the things for which we are thankful.

    I pray that your grandson arrives in style and with little fanfare, other than to have his loving family there awaiting his arrival.

    Have a blessed weekend!

  28. Thanks for sharing the things you are thankful for. It's always so uplifting to be reminded, through the eyes of another, how blessed we truly are.

  29. I HAD to stop by and see whatcha gonna do with your FREE TIME this week....being that your post is DONE and all!!!

    love you!!
    :) made you laugh!!


  30. Oh how many times to we miss the chance to Put into words.... the grace of God in our lives. I love your TT list..... And congrats on the new grandson! I am still waiting on my first.........


  31. Hi! Susan~

    I hope that Jordan is having a wonderful time in Arizona and I hope your hubby will be home soon! :)

    thinking of you my sweet dear friend~

    hugs and best wishes always

    April Molle

    okay~ lets see if I can get this message to go through without sending it a million! :)

  32. Susan,

    Such a sweet precious child. Have to enjoy them when they are this age. Time is just flying by. Soon you will have a new grandson. I know you are so excited!

    Love and hugs..


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!