
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A Transformed Life

“I do not know that the prodigal saw his father, but his father saw him. The eyes of mercy are quicker than the eyes of repentance. Even the eyes of our faith is dim compared with the eye of God’s love. He sees a sinner long before a sinner sees Him.”
C.H. Spurgeon(from sermon based upon the Prodigal Son)

Of all the many examples of God's unconditional love for us, this story truly touches the deepest part of my heart. We serve a God who longs to share His love and will run to us to lavish his grace and mercy upon us.

Just to think of this kind of love is overwhelming!

I'll never forget the Father's passionate pursuit of me. His compassions never failed as he crossed my numerous barriers. I'm so grateful he found me and for His mercy
and truth that transformed my life.

We serve a God who eagerly seeks to show us His compassion, a God who never grows weary as He waits for us.

The prodigal came slowly, like so many of us do. But the Father patiently waited with expectancy. Because of shame, many of us had feelings of guilt and unworthiness. We try to resist God’s pursuit, yet it is what our hearts truly need and long for. Oh, how this must grieve our loving Father.

But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together,and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
Ephesians 2:4-6

Father, I marvel at your love and willingness to forgive. I am amazed at your eagerness to restore us even though we do not deserve it. Lord, you truly look past our own sense of righteousness. Your love reaches beyond judgment and draws us to repentance. Help us to reach for your love and to know that you are willing to show mercy rather than judgment.In Jesus' name, I humbly pray. Amen.

Please join us today over at Heather's Mumblings of A Mommy Monk to see what others have written today.


  1. Thanks for such a lovely post sweetie.

  2. What a beautiful picture to illustrate our God's beautiful heart! I'm so grateful that He is eager and willing to forgive.

  3. I LOVE LOVE that quote from Charles says it all doesn't it? I too am awed by God's pursuit of me.

  4. I'm so humbled by his patient pursuit of me. I've lived the prodigal's heart. I've tasted the prodigal's grace. I am thankful for the journey that has embodied them both.


  5. I, too, marvel at His love and willingness to forgive. Such a beautiful post, Susan, and so full of the truths we need to hear and be reminded of. God bless you, my friend.

  6. Thank you! A wonderful post. Yes, our Father is very patient, and a good example of how we should be with our children. Thank you again, just the words I needed to read this morning. Paula :-)

  7. Thanks for stopping by. I've visited you before...I enjoyed your post today.

  8. Oh yes....HE was patient in HIS pursuit of me....I am forever changed and's the least I can give to my children...

    Your words today were wonderful....
    They got me:)
    Hugs to you!!

  9. I was a vessel that was broken and HE pursued me !!!!!!!! HE sought me out when I did not even know He was there.....My heart swells within me when I remember that second that He touched me...... I was never the same..........

  10. God is so different than me! His willingness to forgive (and suffer) always blows me away.

    Frequently, I contemplate my hardness of heart, and how I am called to model His tender mercy--by the power of His Spirit. Thanks for this beautiful post, Susan. :~D

  11. Hey girl...... thanks for stopping by.......... I have been AOL a lot this summer and I am trying to catch up on my reading... and yes I went out and found some pretty things for my SA blog and then paid someone to create my SEW THE WORD blog....... she did good.... and yes I will be putting things for sale on the Sew The Word as early as next week... I have had such a response to all my little things that I guess I need to make them available......... thanks for the kind words and blessings to you this day......

  12. Hi Susan,
    Wow! What a beautiful post. That has to be one of my favorite stories in all of scripture. So incredibly humbling that "the eyes of mercy are quicker than the eyes of repentance." What a thought.

    How awesome that you attended the simulcast, too! It was definitely AWESOME and POWERFUL. (It's more than ok that you share my notes...I'd be honored!) = )

    I'm planning to share more about her 7 points, as well tomorrow and/or Friday. You're IS hard to keep up with her! What a little powerhouse for God she is!

    Hope you're having a wonderful day, as well!

    Blessings my friend!

  13. Isn't the Prodigal Son a blessed parable? How wonderfully the love of God is portrayed in it. Thanks for capturing the heart of that story for us, Susan.

    That graphic is awesome!

  14. This was wonderful..and that picture with the words lights enscripted in the backgroud...just beautiful.

    Many blessigns-


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!