
Friday, October 10, 2008

And The Winner Is...

Thanks so much to everyone who stopped by for my blogerversary celebration. All of your kind comments and words of encouragement meant so much to me. I'll look to getting to know all you better this coming year. Now I'm so excited to let you know who won the Bath and Body Works gift card.

You can go visit Tracy at her awesome blog, she is such a blessing to us all. I'll look forward to hearing from you soon.


  1. Congrats Tracy! What a fun gift for her.......... I smooth missed my one year anniversary here on the blog but there is always my second!

    Have a blessed weekend

  2. Oh my goodness!!! = ) Stopped to check my blog before heading off to bed. What a wonderful surprise! I LOVE BBW! Congrats once again on your blogaversary, and thank you SO much for celebrating in such a kind & generous way! You're always such a blessing to me.

    Big hug!

  3. Woo-hoo! Yay, Tracy! She's such a sweetie and has a great blog. I am always blessed by it.

    Speaking of give-aways, Susan, yours came back to me because I put the improper postage on it, but that was a blessing in disguise. I opened it because the box was crushed and it was broken, so I ordered another one. It came in today, so I'll get it in the mail on Monday! I didn't want you to think I had forgotten about you! God works out all things for the good of those that love Him and all that. I'm glad it didn't come to you crushed. The blessing out of it is that I have a friend who does mosaic stuff with the ceramic, and she's in mosaic heaven, LOL.

  4. Susan, I'm just SO EXCITED for Tracy! How COOL is THAT??

    Now, you'll have to tell me how and where you register the names for the drawings. (Or do YOU write them down and keep up with it at home?) I need to learn this before I do my bloggy giveaway. ☺

    Oh, and you need that little follower gadget on your sidebar so I can stalk you. Hehehe.. just kidding! (Well, about the stalking anyway) O=-)


  5. Congratulations Tracy! I'm so happy for you.

  6. She always wins everything! But honestly, truly, I am happy she'll be sporting a good scent. I just love her and all her goodness. It just spills forth doesn't it?


  7. Congrats, Tracy!

    Great way to celebrate your blog, Susan. Generous of you.

  8. Happy Blog-a-versary!

    Congrats Tracy, and I'm sorry I missed signing up for your give-a-way. Wednesday is my busiest evening with church shuffling for daughter and my class. I totally missed you comment until today --- Scott called Thursday Morning while I was driving to Bible study and said, "What are you doing tomorrow?"

    I gave him my laundry list of things I needed to get done and then he said, "Well, I thought I'd come home for the weekend!"

    WOO HOO!

    I got home and have narry turned on my computer one minute since I got that call. No Kidding. All I did was print out my speech that I gave on Saturday and turned the sucker off again.

    WHEW! It has been a whirlwind weekend, and a good one.

    How are you?


  9. Hey there Susan,

    What a great person to win your blog anniversary. Thanks for sharing your heart!


  10. Hey, Susan... I MISS YOU!

    I'm sorry I missed wishing Jordan a happy birthday yesterday. We had church at a lake almost an hour from home then spent ALL DAY there. (We didn't get home until almost 7 last night.. I was SO EXHAUSTED I crashed)

    I did send him a text message.. I hope he got it.


  11. Woohoo, Tracy!! Susan thanks again for blessing us through your blog.


  12. YEAH for Tracy!!

    Hope you are having a fabulously blessed Monday!!:)


    hey, I beat you in this month at the Cafe...that NEVER happens:)

    but you are a busy gram...:)

    love you!

  13. And I had a better shot at winning on your site....
    So how was Jordan's birthday?!

    These verses contain the reason why we have the hope of life to come. Know that I'm here praying so hard!
    Ephesians 1:17-20 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places...
    Prayer Bears


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!