
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Following His Steps

This scripture was taken from one of my favorite chapters in Job. Although Job was struggling in the midst of his trial, he knew that God was there with him. Job did not stray from God's commands, he valued the word more then the very food he ate! Can you imagine that kind devotion? I love Job's bold declaration of his commitment and faithfulness to follow God's ways no matter what circumstances may come.

"Lord, I pray that no matter how difficult the path becomes, or how dark the night, you will always help me to put my trust in You. I pray also that all of my children and their children as well, will follow closely after you. Let them remain faithful in their walk, obedient to your word, and steadfast to follow your ways."

Join us today over at The 160 Acre Woods!
PS!!!! If you have not joined in for my give~a~way please do!


  1. Susan, I LOVE this pictures and the verse you shared! (I bet I know who those little feet belong to?) ☺

    You're SO RIGHT, we SHOULD follow God's ways no matter what!

    I LOVE YOU, my Sister! Have a BLESSED DAY!

  2. cute picture to match the verse!

    love the little toes!

    have a wonderful and blesed day!

  3. Thank you for sharing this WFW--cute little feet :)

  4. That is the cry of my heart too! May those precious little feet follow wherever He leads!

  5. Oh, Susan, what precious little feet in this picture. My daughter has those same little shoes and I love seeing her little feet in them everytime she puts them on!

    Happy WFW!

  6. Adorable little feet! Precious idea!
    Have a wonderful day! We are looking forward to Sunday.
    Love ya, Kristin

  7. What a GREAT WFW!!!

    Blessings to you sweet friend..and I'll keep my eye's peeled for the package!! :0)

  8. Powerful reminder and beautiful prayer, Susan. Thank you so much for posting such encouraging and inspirational truths. Happy WFW!

  9. Amen! Oh, to have the devotion of Job! To treasure God's Word over the food we eat. Wow. Thank you for sharing this convicting verse today. That photo (no doubt your grandgirls) is so precious.

    Blessings, sweet one.

  10. Love it...... and so precious.

  11. OH those shoes made me smile. Great memories of my daughter insisting she wear them through the grocery store.

    Thank you for your prayer, it was beautiful and I will be praying it for myself and my family.


  12. What a great picture for the verse you chose. It's always so easy for me to read those verses but not always so easy to follow them. That is one of the reasons I like wfw. It encourages.

  13. lovely! i like the verse:D

    happy WFW!

  14. Great picture and verse. Thank you for sharing. Blessings

  15. Too cute! What a great Picture and a great reminder.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  16. Thank you for this reminder...I sure needed it today!
    Love the pic!

  17. How adorable! I remember my Daughter's princess days fondly :). You know, she still loves fancy/stylish shoes, only now they are a bit more pricey than the princess shoes were, lol! The verse is perfect for the picture and it's a great verse to tuck in our hearts. Great post :)

  18. Great verse and photo. I'm sure those feet are Grammy's girls.

    Love it.


  19. While I hate my own feet, I adore the feet of my children...the ones here included! Precious. May God keep us all to the path and to the pursuit of the kingdom.


  20. Susan,

    What precious little feet...what a beautiful verse! Thanks for sharing this truth with us today!

    Blessings to you!!

  21. Susan, What a cute pic - and then the scripture application.
    Thanks for sharing
    Sweet Blessings,

  22. Susan, the verse you chose is lovely and the post is great! Your blog is beautiful and, from the reading I've done, so is your heart. God bless you. I'll definitely be back to visit!

    PS Love the little tootsies in the princess slippers!

  23. When I saw the cute feet I did not think of them as chn's feet...getting too much out of the little girl scene I can tell, but I chuckled thinking how wonderful God is, that He makes the highways level and smooth before us to accomodate such feet.....and if they are little much more precious.

  24. I love that Scripture and the photo, very nice!

  25. Sweet photo, made me smile.

    Kathy b

  26. All RIGHT...I KNOW I'm late getting's Thursday NIGHT...Wednesday's the lamp doesn't go out and Thursday's are the it's Thursday night when I can really ENJOY these and did you KNOW THAT THIS IS THE THIRD pair of feet????
    Seriously you girls didn't send me the MEMO! I'd have done FEET too!! are wonderful....
    what a great grammy you must be!
    love you!

  27. Hey Sweet Friend!

    It was GREAT talking with you today too! Now, we're SERIOUSLY going to have to plan a trip soon?? O:-)

  28. job is one of my fav. books of the bible. it's so raw!

  29. Blessings sweet the feet of Jesus...and the precious little feet of your photo! I love your prayer and verse from JOB! May we choose to follow God's way "no matter what"! Your prayer is so true to see your children and their children follow closely after Our Lord is the cry of our hearts! What a precious way to share your legacy! I just trying to catch up on my visits while I can!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!