Monday, April 30, 2012

Weekend With Grammy!


This past weekend my son and his wife had to travel to attend the annual Army Officer’s Ball in the northern part of our state.


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We were so excited to get the chance to have all of our grandchildren for the weekend!  Now what could be better than that?



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The School of Agriculture at LSU had an “Ag Magic” hands on experience for children to teach them how important agriculture and animal husbandry was to our state. Anybody want to pet a roach?


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It was an interactive environment that so the kids could see how the food and fiber products we use every day came from the forests, crops and livestock. 



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Many of the booths were sponsored by Louisiana farmers, ranchers and forest landowners.  My sweet Karli just adores animals.  So for her, this event was over the top!



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They were also so excited to see and hold these adorable baby chicks, and they even got to see them hatching live in an incubator.



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Of course, no event that taught about how important our forest are would be complete without “Smokey the Bear”.



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Well, there wasn’t a chance for a cowgirl to ride a real horse, but you couldn’t tell it wasn’t real by the smile on Kayla’s cute little face.



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And yes, even the pigs got a little love!



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After we were finished we went to visit the LSU mascot, “Mike the Tiger” over by Tiger Stadium.



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And the girls had fun doing some cheers for us.



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If this was not enough, when we got back home they all wanted to go fishing.



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The only problem was the fish were not biting!



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It was the end of fun filled day, and beautiful memories we will always treasure.



Monday, April 23, 2012

Celebrating good times!



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This past week my oldest son was promoted to Captain.  There are just no words to express how excited and proud we were of him.



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He was so thoughtful as he thanked everyone and brought roses for his beautiful bride, his two little princesses and even for me. Talk about melting a mom’s heart!



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  Then it was off to the Zoo to celebrate the day and enjoy the spectacular spring weather.



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To my surprise while we were walking around I spotted the cutest little monkeys climbing around in the huge live oaks.



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Yes…I’ve never seen any cuter monkeys in my life!



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After a long walk we stopped to watch the giraffe’s feeding.  Then my son wanted to watch the alligator's having lunch.



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That steak was a little bit under cooked for my taste, and I was a bit nervous seeing how close that zoo attendant was getting to those gators. 


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And then one of them got loose and we asked Karli if she wanted to feed him!  Notice how valiantly my wonderful husband held his mouth open!



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The kids were officially worn out after that event, so we strolled off to see the otters at play.



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My sweet daughter in love took this picture of my son, Kayla and me.  Here sits one proud momma!



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On the way out of the Zoo Karli was thrilled to see this peacock.



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After chasing him around for a little while, he finally stopped to show us this amazing display of beauty! Truly this is the handy work of God.



Sunday, April 15, 2012

Oh what love…




Each day God is offering us His amazing Love.  The choice to receive it and all the benefits that He so freely gives  is up to us.


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Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Sunday



Hallelujah! He is Risen


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Each year we get together with my husband’s family to celebrate Easter.



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This year we offered to host the part at our house.



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After spending lots of time preparing, the big day finally came.  The tables were set.



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The eggs were dyed.



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The weather was picture perfect, and we were ready for all our guests to arrive.



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So while we waited…  I decided to take a few shots of how beautiful the outside of our home looked after my husband and sons had worked so hard.



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My son Justin came to spend some time with us, and we made some great memories.



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Then the girls finally arrived and they were so excited to get their baskets full of goodies.



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But Cole was especially thrilled to get his basket this year!



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Then it was time to start having fun!



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And no Easter gathering would be complete without an Easter Egg hunt!



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After dinner the guys got up a big game of baseball!



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Cole was more interested in playing golf with the set of clubs he got from his Aunt Cheryl.



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The girls all played a game of Soccer after the baseball game ended.



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I was thrilled to finally get a shot of all my sons together!  Wow…what happened to those 5 little boys?




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Then we ended the day by celebrating Grace, Kayla and Katie’s birthdays as Karli looked on. You might notice the tear in Coles eye, because he wanted it to be his birthday too. (oh my…those tears melt a Grammy’s heart!)


We are so grateful for all these special memories, and hope you all had a blessed Easter as well.

