Wednesday, September 2, 2009

On the road with Jesus…


(Devotion by David Jeremiah)


For seasoned travelers, the anticipation of a trip often outstrips the reality. Travel brochures never show the things that can go wrong, like airport delays, long lines, overbooked hotels, pick pockets, rainy weather, or bad food—to name a few.

Paul might have felt that way during his trip to Rome. After all, he was ditched at sea when his ship went down. But as the Book of Acts closes, we see him happily at work, sharing the Gospel with all he met.

When we're traveling with Jesus, we'll never be disappointed.

Cheerfulness keeps breaking in. We have our travel documents in the Bible, and a brochure of the final destination in Revelation 21-22. We have the Holy Spirit as a guide, and a straight and narrow path.

We'll not be disappointed with our accommodations as we abide in Christ.

Nor with our guidebook as we read His Word. Nor with our daily itinerary as we do His will. Nor even with our travel companions as we love His church.

And our final destination? We're heaven-bound pilgrims. We are just going over Jordan. We are just going over home.


Father, I thank you for the hope that is found in you.  Help us to remember you are always there, right beside us each step of the road before you.  Let our hearts be always heaven bound, and our joy be found only in you.

wordfilled Wednesdaytag

Please join us today over at Penny’s for more Word filled posts!


SnoWhite said...

I think I needed this reminder today -- you are the second WFW I've read that reminds me that God never lets me down, God never fails. I pray I can take these Words to heart today.

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Amen! What a beautiful word of encouragement today. Thank you for sharing. Happy WFW my friend!

lori said...

Sooooo many HOPE filled verses today..and yours is just the icing on the cake girlfriend!!
I LOVE the picture!

What a blessing YOU are to soooo many!!

Great big GIANT HUGS to you today!
love you!

oh, and my girls want to adopt YOU as another gram in their lives...they say "Miss Susan is just the COOLEST!" High praise from the teens! YOU ROCK!:)

Runner Mom said...

This was a great devotional! Loved the analogies, Susan. Thanks so much for sharing!

Tracy Berta-daughter to the King, wife, mother, speaker, writer said...

Beautiful Susan! I LOVE the photo. I am always so blessed by your posts, my friend.

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

You know I'm all about the "journey" and walking the road with Jesus. Your picture is a lovely illustration of the road ahead and the hope we hold in knowing we're headed home to his arms.

Thanks for sharing the devo. Also, glad for your wonderful time this past weekend at the simulcast. I know you were blessed and will carry that remembrance with you for seasons to come. We did Esther last spring. I pray you take it all in, and in the process, understand your own kingdom bestowment for such a time as this.


Denise said...

Amen, wonderfilled post.

Jennifer at Shoreline Journeys said...

What a beautiful post!

I moved my blog back to blogspot, so please come and visit!

~Simple Pleasures~

Cathy said...

A beautiful post ~ Thank God He is our hope and the joy of the Lord is our strength.

Susannah said...

I love the image of our life as a journey, as we travel the winding roads with the Spirit as our guide. Sometimes I want to see the complete map, but he only gives us enough light to take the first few steps. We must have faith!

This spoke to me: We're heaven-bound pilgrims. We are just going over Jordan. We are just going over home. So poetic!

Have a blessed day Susan. Your posts are always so encouraging. And WFW is a MUST!


Peggy said...

Blessings Susan and thank you for this encouragement & your encouraging words at my place as well! I love that photo (someone in P31 had that for header...not with your verse)! I so appreciate your words to me & this devotional...they go hand in hand.

I'm not disappointed because I know Jesus is with me where 'er I wander; nor my accomodations as I abide in Christ; nor my guidebook I need & read daily; nor my itinerary
as I try to stay in His will...
though storms may toss & tumble us,
He remains Our Protector! And the best part is the travel companions that have come along side me in the "blog" world & are heaven bound with me...'cause we will all be going home some day!

Thank You LORD! & Thank you Susan, for sharing this today! love & hugs


Kristi said...

You are so right...never dissapointed! That brings such encouragment. I just saw your previous post....I was at a simulcast too and it was an amazing blessing. Thank you for asking about Rachel; she will face surgery on December 15 unless the Great Physician intervenes between now and then.

Pia said...

amen! another verse that i needed to be reminded of today.

Anonymous said...

You forgot one minor point about Paul's trip...he actually didn't have a choice! He was under arrest! And still he was full of joy!
Here praying right now!
Psalms 4:8 I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety.
Prayer Bears
My email address

Lelia Chealey said...

Travel brochures never show the things that can go true!

I need to travel w/ Jesus more often! Thanks for this timely reminder.

love you Sister.