Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Leaving a Legacy






Have you ever wondered what kind of legacy you will leave behind?

I don't know about you, but my greatest desire is to live a life that brings glory and honor to Jesus. I want to leave behind a legacy to my children and grandchildren that will show them my values, principles, and beliefs.

This is one of the very reason’s I started my blog!

One of my favorite songs by Nicole Nordeman is called Legacy. She wrote:

I want to leave a legacy
How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love?
Did I point to you enough to make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering
A child of mercy and grace who blessed Your name unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacy

We all have the chance of building a legacy that will bring glory to God, and we build it one decision at a time. You can begin today!

Live your life for an audience of One!

Lord I pray that through the testimony of my life, the lives of my children and grandchildren will be one that causes them to know and love you more.  That they will serve you all the days of their lives.  Thank you Jesus for all the opportunities you give me daily to point them to you.


Join us today over at Penny Raine for more WFW posts!


Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Definitely want to live my life to glorify God and have those that see me will see Christ in me. :D Great post and pic!

Barbara said...

Very good, yes we all want to leave a good legacy, that when folks remember us they will think of a Godly woman who loved the lord, and loved those around her, what better legacy could we leave, I hope that is said about me, I pray others will see Christ in my life, and know what my life stands for. Have a great day, Hugs Barbara

Anonymous said...


Maddie said...

I love that song! Happy WFW!

From the Heart said...

Yes I want to leave a good legacy for my family and friends.

There's a post I did when I first started my blog called My Family Legacy. If you would like to read it just search for the above title. It was from my great grandmother to the children of my grandmother. My mother was the oldest of 13. They are all gone now except for one uncle.
Have a blessed day.

Nic said...

I have that song on my ipod and listened to it as part of my commute yesterday. I absolutely love your quote of "Live your life for an audience of one"! What a true quote b/c even if you don't see anyone around He is always there.

Maxine said...

Susan, this is so much a desire of mine. I could go on and on about this topic, but you have said it well. May it be so, Lord. What a lovely picture.

Susannah said...

We're completely on the same page, Susan. Your legacy is GREAT... and you have the offspring in 2 generations to show it. God bless you in your blogging. Happy WFW!

Cathy said...

A beautiful post, Susan ~ Blessings ~

Michele Williams said...

I too want to leave a better legacy as well. You have such beautiful grandchildren. It's been a while since I have visited you... I will have to return to catch up! Blessings..

Marilyn in Mississippi said...

May God help me to leave a "goodly heritage" for my family and my friends that will point them to Jesus,the ONE AND ONLY!

Blessings my friend! Mississippi

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Amen! This is definitely my heart's desire. I want the generations after me to worship the one True King. May I show them the way. Thanks for sharing my friend!

Peggy said...

Blessings Susan,

You definitely are leaving a beautiful legacy for your children and grandchildren and us! Just look at the header here!!!

I love Nicole's song...that's the only CD I have of any recent singers because I won it through a blog... either Amy or Tracy.

You are inspirational! AMEN! to that beautiful prayer! The photo is so serene and picturesque with a great Proverb. May we leave a memory of the righteous as a blessing! Reminds me of the book "Blessings".

I'm so glad that you chose that Peggy link rather than #19... that one's pre-made and #36 is Peggy made. The music is out of my control, it's automatic with the slideshow. John Michael Talbot was one of my brother's favorite. (Roman Catholic) but he has such beautiful music for quiet reflections. I'm so glad you like it. The song is the same as that first video if you'd like to click & see more at YouTube.

Love & hugs,

Kaye Swain said...

Great minds think alike! I was just writing and reading about spiritual legacies last night! I am with you - it is a vital part of our ministry as grandparents and an important way to encourage our families! :) Thanks for a delightful WFW!

Amydeanne said...

oh glorious!!
i love this one Susan, i think it's my favorite on you've done so far!

LeAnn said...

What a wonderful verse and great words of encouragement. I want to be that person, so this is good!

Tea with Tiffany said...

You are leaving a legacy and it's breathtakingly beautiful. Thank you, friend. I love that song and I love your heart.

Love and hugs. Miss you.

Anonymous said...

This is one my goals for my lifetime. I don't want to leave a legacy of tears and saddness. Joshua wouldn't want me to. He told me before his wreck, "Mom don't worry about me...I'll be ok."

For much of six years I have been in the closet, so to speak.

Not anymore. With God's hand and my therapy I hope to end this year much better than it started off to be.

renewd42 said...

Amen, our very lives are the only thing that we are leaving to "future generations". What will they remember from our lives? Great post! Really encouraging, thanks! blessings! Love to have you following at my blog too!
Lisa Nelson/Missions rep!/speaker/

Anonymous said...

Still here lifting up prayers!
Psalms 18:30-32 As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him. For who is God save the LORD? or who is a rock save our God? It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way perfect.
Prayer Bears
My email address

Anonymous said...

Isaiah 26:3-4 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength.
Prayer Bears
My email address

Anonymous said...

Hope these words bring you comfort! Praying!
Isaiah 12:2-3 Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.
Prayer Bears
My email address