Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Gymnasium of the Soul!





Exercise daily in God—no spiritual flabbiness, please! Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever. You can count on this. Take it to heart. This is why we've thrown ourselves into this venture so totally. We're banking on the living God, Savior of all men and women, especially believers.   (I Tim. 4:7 The Message)


As we approach the New Year everyone is in the mood to make some resolutions.  What better time then now to decide that your highest priority will be to seek after Him with a greater zeal and determination then ever before!


Join us today over at the Café for more word-filled posts.


Peggy said...

Blessings Susan,

I really LOVE the stretch on this verse in The Message (as you'll see in my rather lengthy nonsensical comment at Internet Cafe).

By His Grace, I will be in the "gymnasium of the soul" daily working out! Thanks for this Kick in the right direction...or better said, "if the shoe fits..." DO IT!

Seeking after Him with all that I am and can, determined to "Break Free" in 2011 and leave any shackles behind... it would be nice to loose a few pounds too! Thanks sweet one... and thank you for posting this earlier on Tues. so I can go to bed instead of waiting up until midnight or more... zzzzzzzzz

Love ya'...Happy and blessed New Year! Peace of Christ reign,

Carrie said...

Love this, Susan! I have a very similar WFW I posted back last spring. I was thinking of resurrecting it for next week - such a timely picture and verse for the new year!! Great job!! ;)

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Excellent post and reminder.

A Faithful Journey said...

I do not own a Message version of the Bible, so when I read this, I thought you were paraphrasing. But, you are not! :) I love the "spiritual flabbiness" part!Need to get myself a MSG Bible!

Great Word...thanks for sharing!

Happy WFW!

ozjane said...

Blessings and may we all heed well this word and stay fit in Him and grow up in Him in all things.

gengen said...

It is a great verse to ponder..Thanks. Happy WFW!

Debbie Petras said...

My goal is to know Him better and to trust Him fully. I love the illustration for this Scripture verse. Happy New Year to you Susan.

Blessings and love,

Breathing In Grace said...

I love that visual!!! Thanks for stopping by and commenting at Jeremiah 29:11. HOPE your new year is full of lots of blessings!

Faith said...

Amen!! I love this post...thanks for sharing....i was just sharing with a friend of mine that I planned on doing a "spiritual resolutions" list this new calender year.....seeking to go even deeper in Christ and in His Word and to practice more of the disciplines like intercession, hospitality, encouragement, etc. It's sooooo important to exercise our souls...of course I need to do a physical work out too! lol....
Happy New Year!!

Debra Kaye said...

Oh Susan, I really loved this! Happy WFW!!
God bless you!!

Kaye Swain - SandwichINK for the Sandwich Generation said...

Definitely the perfect timing for this reminder with the New Year quickly approaching and so many of us thinking, planning, reviewing, revising. And, hopefully, putting God at the top of every list. :) Have a blessed New Year. :)

Heidi said...

"No Spiritual Flabbiness" I love it! Thank you!

Andrea said...

What we need is spiritual weight lifting - with the Word of God. Thanks for the reminder to stay in the Word as we head into the New Year. I've been listening to www.DailyAudioBible.com and I love it. Going through the bible in one year is a good way to build up the spirit man.

From the Heart said...

Great picture to encourage us to work harder and daily with Jesus as our goal.

Anonymous said...

Great reminder Susan. My husband and I are going to do the 90 day challenge and have our kids do a modified version depending on their age. We are looking forward to it!

jhunnelle said...

This is what I desire to do next year, may His grace enable me to do it.

I love the graphic it's so neat.

Michelle Bentham Blogspot said...

Establishing a priority of meeting with Him each day.

You are always so encouraging and fresh with the way you naturally reflect what God is doing in your life.

I miss making the blog rounds the way I used to. It feels like life is just settling in for us. Rocking in the boat with Jesus is a great priority - and I'm doing that these days.

If you get time, stop by my new blog address: www.michellebentham. org and let me know what you think. It's taken me some time get everything "translated," but I'm liking the new digs a lot.

Natalie said...

Love the use of the verse paired with the photo~

LisaShaw said...

So blessed by this Susan. I had left you a message yesterday over at the Cafe.

Praying a blessed New Year for you and your family. Much love!

Amydeanne said...

well done Susan!
happy new year!